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Adira's POV

We were closing in on the planet Kiros, yet of the news we were told before leaving to the planet, there were no signs of any Separatist cruisers or ships. "All clear sir. There are no Separatist craft in the system." A clone said over the intercom. "It's been ten rotations since Master Yoda's last transmission." Anakin said. "I just hope we're not too late." I agreed as I then turned to Obi Wan. "Rex, take us down." He instructed. "Yes sir." Rex replied. Within moments, the cruiser had then landed on Kiros, the home of Togrutas; Ahsoka's people. I then walked with Miles and Tracker to the hanger, to get on the speeders that would show us around the city that we were assigned to investigate. Once we were on the ground, I was partnered up with Miles on the bike, while Tracker was with Valor. Everyone else was either on a bike, walker, or even on foot going on another path, having Obi Wan with Rex and Ahsoka with Anakin on the lead bikes. Yet as we traveled through the city with the rest of the clones behind us, our surroundings were completely empty and barren. No one was here. "Anybody else think it's too quiet? I haven't seen any colonists." Ahsoka says as we continue to travel through the city.

"They're probably hiding." Anakin replied. "Lets hope they stay hidden, it makes our job easier if we don't have to worry about them in battle." Obi Wan stated. "I don't like it. The clankers have never been shy about using civvies as living shields." Rex said. "I'm sure they're here somewhere. Let's make for the city center." I finished as we went through the city, only to avoid getting hit by a few enemy shots. "Biker droids, dead ahead." Ahsoka says as a few commando droids on bikes start firing at us in front. "Squad tighten up! Form up on Adira and I!" Anakin instructed as our squad then files into a single formation as the droids then loose their speed, and eventually come up besides us. Once a commando droid took out one of our bikers, I dropped speed to get besides it, and cut it down with my lightsaber while Miles was firing at the droids in his seat. I then saw Ahsoka jump off of her bike and sliced off a commando droid in half before jumping back in her seat besides Anakin. I looked around to suspect any more droids, but there were none. "We're all clear master." She said as we then entered the center of the city, to see more battle droids guarding it.

"Fire." I directed as the clones and rest did so. After one of the tanks was taken down by Rex's rocket launcher, Ahsoka and Tracker then hoped off their bikes and ran up to the tanks while taking out the droids. They then opened the tops and threw a few detonators inside before closing the tops and running back, just in time as we all looked to see the tanks to explode. I then slide off my bike to see the rest of the droids down and out. "Captain, have your men secure the area." Obi Wan instructed as Rex gathered some men to do so. "This means you to Miles, can you give them a hand?" I asked. "Yes ma'am." He replied as he then followed behind Rex, along with a few men.


I was walking with Obi Wan to see if the perimeter was secure, and no droids were planning an attack. "How are we doing Boil?" Obi Wan asks said trooper on the AT-RT. "We're still mopping up the clankers here and there sir. We've established a perimeter around the Governor's tower, no one gets out without a fight." Boil replied. "Good work." I replied as Obi Wan then turned to Cody. "Cody, any word from the Separatist commander?" He asked. "He's barricaded inside, his name is Dartz D'nar. He sent you a message sir." Cody replied as he then pulled out a holo device, only to reveal the commander looking down on him. "Master Kenobi, come to the tower. We will negotiate terms for..Surrender." The Zygerrian commander stated. I wasn't so happy to see a Zygerrian, not even in person. They were known to be slave masters that would take anyone, regardless that slavery in the outer rim was illegal. "Well, that was easy." Obi Wan assumed before Anakin pulled the device with the Force, breaking it once it was in his hand.

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