Counter Attack

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After we closed our entrance to the outside of the prison, we immediately started walking to the platform where the other group would meet us to get off this place. We were able to get Master and his men away from the prison, but we had no other choice but to split up since the prison was highly secured and security levels were high. Unfortunately, our group had to have Captain Tarkin in it, while Obi Wan's group had Master Piell. I was not so sure why Master Piell would share the information with him as he seemed uncertain of our choices or decisions, and would even consider to argue of what we would say back. But we had no other choice but to follow our mission, and bring everyone back.

Ahsoka was leading the men while I stayed in the middle, just as I spotted a probe droid behind me, only to be cut down by Anakin's lightsaber. "Show off." I said as he smirked. I then walked on ahead to Tarkin and Ahsoka as the Captain started to admire the prison. "I am beginning to admire the design of this fortress, it's rather formidable to evade." He said as we walked on before Ahsoka tilted her head at him. "How can you admire such a horrible place?" She asked. "You reveal your shortsightedness. This ordeal only demonstrates how effective facilities like the Citadel are. Pity it ended up in Separatist hands and not ours." Tarkin replied. "He has a point." Anakin agreed as Ahsoka and I looked at him with a shocked look, no one deserved to be trapped in here, not even a Separatist. "Alright Snips, I need you to lead the group. Keep following the tunnel, I'll catch up." Anakin said as he started to head to the back. "Hey, where are you going?" Ahsoka asks. "Obi Wan's not here." I reminded her. "So someone has to protect our flank." He finished as she smirks. "I guess it's a good thing I came along after all." She said as Anakin continued to walk to the back. "Maybe so." I stated as she and I led the group ahead.


While Ahsoka was leading the group along the wall, I heard Tarkin speak bitterly about her. "I am concerned that the Jedi have elected this..Child to lead the group." He said as I rolled my eyes and walked evenly besides him. "I've served with her many times, and I trust her Captain." Rex replied. "Agreed, Ahsoka has showed to be extremely experienced and effective leader Captain, I am sure there is no need to be concerned." I agreed before I heard Ahsoka speak. "Uh oh." She said as I looked to see why. "Dead end." I said as she looked in embarrassment. "Don't worry, perfect time to place the charges." I pointed out as I examined the wall to find the best place for where the charges would be set. "Charges?" Ahsok asked as I looked at her in confusion. But before I could open my mouth, blaster fire was heard. "Look out!" Fives said as everyone else started to fire at the droids that were behind us. "What happened, why didn't you blow the wall?" Anakin asks as he and I block fire from the droids, while looking at her. "No offense Ahsoka, but that part of the plan was your job." I said. "I thought it was a dead end!" She replied. "If Master Plo really assigned you to this mission, he would have briefed you on the plan." Anakin stated as I help her set the charges on the wall, while she rolled two of them at the droids who then fell to the ground as the charges detonated, along with the ones on the wall. "Alright, everyone through the wall!" I instructed as we looked for more droids before entering through the wall.


Finally, we came to the pipe lines that would take up to the landing platform, hopefully where our transport was still there. "This pipe leads up to the top of the ridge. R1 and R2 will pick us up and get us outta here." Anakin states as Ahsoka then looks for the hatch. "There's the hatch." She says as we all spot it. But the moment we opened it, a green-like gas filled the air. I knew it stank and pinched my nose followed by the others. "Let's go, let's go. Everyone in." Anakin instructs as the rest of our group climb on the pipe. "Don't use your lights, and make sure your weapons are locked." I direct as everyone checks their fire before entering the pipe. "The slightest electronic pulse could ignite this whole tube." Anakin finished as everyone was nearly inside. "I hope somebody tells the droids that." Tarkin says as Anakin and I glare at him before closing the hatch behind us.

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