Plan Of Dissent

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I was now attending a meeting with my men before I saw Krell and Rex walked towards the tower, which was where the communicator was. Curious, I excused myself with a nice smile before following behind them quickly. With the airbase now under our custody, the supply lines to the Capital should lower their defenses, allowing us a chance to end this war faster. I took the elevator to the tower as the door slid open when I was able to see Krell, Rex, and Obi Wan in a holo-picture from the communications hub. "There will be time for celebration when when we've taken that Capital." Krell stated to Obi Wan. "Yes, well I'm afraid that's going to be more difficult than anticipated. Their attacks have increased, and their long-range missiles are forcing us to retreat from our positions." Obi Wan informed. "I was hoping we cut off their arm shipments and supplies when we took this airbase." Krell said. "It seems their receiving new arm shipments directly from a supply ship orbiting---" Obi Wan nearly explained before the transmission started to cut out. "General Kenobi?" I asked. "...Difficulty transmitting..They..Must be..Jamming our signal." Kenobi said as the transmission continued to cut out. "Can't we destroy the supply ship?" Rex asked. "We're trying, but with little success. Their fleet outnumbers ours, and the extra ships we were promised have not yet arrived." Obi Wan replied. "We'll just have to take that Capital regardless of the missiles. Our battalions will meet you at the rendezvous coordinates." Krell said as Obi Wan and I shared a look of uneasiness. "We cannot expect.." Obi Wan tried before the holo-picture disintegrated, destroying our transmission.

"I'm trying to get him back sirs." One of the 501st troopers said. "Don't bother, the enemy is jamming our transmissions. We are on our own." Krell said before he headed towards the elevator, leaving Rex and I to already know this was a horrible plan. As the elevator took us down to the ground, we both followed behind Krell as he ordered his troops to be ready. "Have those containers searched and all weapons prepped and loaded. Have the battalions ready to move out in 12 hours. We're advancing on the Capital." Krell demanded. "Sir, should I try to get a message to General Kenobi? Shouldn't we coordinate our attack, especially in the light of the recent threat?" Rex asked. "General Kenobi has his hands full, same as us. We need to throw everything we have at them, now!" Krell boomed. "We'd be marching into a blast zone Krell--" I said before three missiles hit the outside area of the airbase. "Blasted insurgents. I realized you haven't agreed with all my strategies, Captain, Casteele. But you're both smart enough and loyal enough to obey my orders." Krell started before I snapped. "We can't just run towards the Capital with the missiles ready to take us out. We need more time to plan a better strategy!" I said as he snarled. "If you will not oblige to my orders Casteele, I will report you to the Council!" He snarled.

"Unfortunately, our transmissions are being jammed by the enemy, General Krell. If you wish to do so afterwards, you are welcome to. However, I remind you I am a member of the High Jedi Council, and know they will listen to my report first." I pointed out before he snarled his teeth at me before walking away in anger. I then sighed before turning sadly to Rex. "Sorry Rex, but I'm afraid I can't change his mind for the time being." I said. "Don't worry General Casteele, we're ready to face anything, including the Capital." He replied as I nodded sadly before we split into different ways, him going to prep his troops, and I to meditate and calm down, having the Vornskr blood inside me becoming an issue.


I remained my room as I started to hover while I was deep in meditation. only lowering back down to the ground as I heard clamoring from the clones outside since my quarters were close to one of the hangers. I walked outside and leaned against the wall which was closest to the door, hearing the commotion. "Those missiles have a megaton yield, we won't even make it to the Delta!" Fives exclaimed, as I assumed the men had heard of the plan. "What can I do? General Casteele and I have tried to reason with him, those are the orders." Rex stated. "Great, another suicide mission. The Capital is too well armed." Jesse argued. "Why does it seem he has it out for clones?" Tup asked. "I think you're all overreacting. Obviously General Krell knows what he's doing, do you really think he doesn't care if he looses men?" Dogma asked. He was still keen on obeying every one of Krell's orders, and I felt pity towards him. "I'm not saying that. But I do think his desire for victory has blinded him to the fact that there are lives at stake. I've never seen a General with these kinds of casualties." Jesse replied. He's out of control, he is not acting like the other Jedi. Just look how different General Krell and General Casteele are. General Casteele's been at our backs since the beginning, and has even gone against Krell's orders while he is only trying to ignore her. He has no respect for her or us." Fives stated as I felt blushed at his comment.

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