Escape From Kadavo

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Now that we were all enslaved by the Miraj, we were trapped at the moment on Zygerria. I knew that Anakin and Ahsoka were somewhere on Zygerria with the Queen, and that the others were being taken to Kadavo, one of the main planets were slaves were taken to work. Unfortunately for me, I was to remain on Zygerria with a few other slaves trapped in either my wolf or panther form. I was currently pulling a cart of iron and other metals with it, having an iron harness over my wolf fur. It was heavy, not to mention the collar around my throat to prevent me to transform in my dragon form to escape. Eventually, the iron harness was removed from my fur as I collapsed on the ground, exhausted from the heavy metal and cart. The whips the Slavers used on me were cutting through my fur, making long scars and gashes on my back and stomach. I was about to close my eyes for at least a few seconds before my eyes opened slowly to see a young Twi'lek girl on the ground, and a Slaver walked towards her.

He was furious that she had stopped working, and pulled out his whip as he ignited it. Despite wanting to look away, I immediately got up and blocked the slavers whip from hitting the girl, taking the damage on my battered back. I slowly growled at him, barring my teeth before more of the Slavers came, taking their anger out on me. They then left after they had their fill, leaving me on the ground on my side as I silently whimpered from the pain. Gritting my teeth, I slowly got up as I rolled to my feet, lifting my back left leg from touching the ground as it was one of the Slavers's main target. I then looked at the young girl, no scars on her today for now. But she was so afraid and terrified of what she had seen, and I was afraid it would scar her before she was freed. "Are you alright, little one?" I asked telepathically. She nodded, before she hugged my furry chest, and I put my head on her shoulder before her Slaver Master came and tore her away from me. I was about to try and help her before I felt one of the whips attach to my collar, shocking me as I yelled in pain before I was led into a ship.

The pain eventually stopped as the whip stopped shocking me, only to drag my broken body towards the hanger of the ship. I assumed it was leading me to Kadavo, and I knew things were only going to get tougher. I then forced to walk into a small but fine cage before the Slavers locked it. I laid down as I licked my back leg, as the scar from the whip started to bleed. I then put my head down as I felt the ship turn on it's engines, and tried to sleep for what was about to come right at me.


I remained in my cell before the alarms went off in the prison complex, and opened them as soon as I could. Kadavo was where I was taken to, and now it seemed Republic reinforcements had finally arrived. I saw that my door was locked, and I couldn't form in my dragon with the collar still on my neck. An idea then came to mind. It was going to be rough and painful, but it just may work. I opened my eyes as I saw a Slaver walk with my lightsabers in his hands, and barked loudly to spook him as he dropped to the ground. "Jedi Wolf scum." He said as he drew his whip, and opened my door. I kept my tail high, barring my white teeth as his whip came at me. I quickly moved to my left as the whip made contact with my collar, electrocuting me, but it was pulling it off. The moment the Slaver knew his mistake, he pulled his whip back, only to pull my collar off as well. "Thanks!" I said before I barked and grabbed him by his waist, throwing him into the cell before I closed the door with my tail. I formed back quickly into my Vahla form and grabbed my lightsabers, igniting them as the guards ran at me.

I summoned the Force immediately, pushing the guards to the ground before I connected my lightsabers to my belt, and formed into my panther form and bursted through the doors. The coming guards ran at me, only to be pushed back with my poisonous claws, tearing through their armor and clothing. I then made it to the center of the prison complex, and was about to fly out the center of the glass ceiling, but looked around to see hundreds of slaves, staring at me with frightened eyes. I couldn't leave them, and I immediately formed back into my Vahla form and cut open their cell doors, freeing them as they ran out. If the Republic was attacking the place, it would only be a few seconds before the entire prison complex would fall apart. I then formed into my dragon form, and put my head down as I motioned for nearby slaves to jump on. Ten nearby slaves jumped on, and I grabbed a familiar young girl from Zygerria in my mouth, and flapped my wings before breaking the glass on the ceiling. My golden eyes looked around before seeing a nearby Republic gunship, and I flew faster as I saw it was empty. I dove down to the ground, nearly crashing before I was able to slid on the ground and stop with my claws on the ground.

I lowered my head on the ground, allowing the slaves to run inside the gunship and two other nearby gunships that landed near us. I opened my mouth, where the little Twi'lek girl came out, but I was sure to only grab onto her firmly, not to hurt her. I nudged her to run towards a gunship, and she did after she touched my snout gently, before running with who I assumed were her mother and father. I formed back into my Vahla form, no longer able to have much strength left to even stand. I was still in pain from the scars the Slavers had put on me, but I then relaxed as I felt two strong hands help me back on my feet. It was Miles and Tracker. They too were covered in scars and bruises from the Slavers, but they weren't as bad as I was. "About time you two arrived." I said with sarcasm. "Looks like we got here in time as well." Tracker replied as he was leaning on another trooper. "Are..Are you two alright?" I asked. "We're fine, but we're more worried about you, sis." Miles said. "Don't worry about me, I'll make sure to be taken care of when we return to a nearby Republic fleet." I assured before an explosion on the complex caused us all to look. I then pushed myself up before Miles helped me up more, having me to lean on him before I thanked him. "Let's go." I said before we quickly walked into a Republic gunship, leaving the whole prison complex behind.


*Several Days Later*

I was in the Halls Of Healing on Coruscant, sitting on a medical bay as I gently touched my bandaged skin. My back was slowly healing with bandages wrapped around it, including my led which was better and my left hand that was scarred badly. The flesh wounds were healing faster as I was in a bacta tank not too long ago, but the scars would remain on me for a while before it would all fade away. My Jedi robes were torn into rags as they were now going to be fixed, leaving me in my black undergarments and white robes that were used as a backup. I had just woken up from a nap not too long ago, and tried to walk with feeling much pain on my weight. Fortunately, I was about to walk better than before, and I then walked out of the Halls Of Healing, only to stop when I saw Miles in his room. I tapped on the door as he looked at my direction, and opened the door. He smiled at me, happy that I was fairing better after Kadavo. His left arm was bandaged with white wraps of bacta, and the top of his black shirt was removed as the bandages were wrapped over his back. "Hey." I said sweetly.

"Hey." He replied, with the same smile and tone. "How are you doing?" I leaned against the wall of the door against my back. "Not that bad, the Medic said I could leave within the next rotation." I replied as he smiled again. "How about you?" "I can return to service soon, for Tracker it will be another week. That idiot saved my back on Kadavo, but he paid the price for doing so." He stated. "Knowing Tracker, he would always do that to save one of our hides." I said as we both chuckled quietly. We then grew quiet before I saw his eyes drift down to the ground, and I knew he wasn't happy of something. "Somethings on your mind." He sighed quietly before he looked back up at me. "After we were rescued on Kadavo, we couldn't find you, couldn't locate where you're position was. And...I was starting to think you were gone." He admitted. I felt pity for him. I was afraid I was nearing my breaking point as well on the planet. "Well, I kinda had the same thought as well, Miles. But, there won't be a time that I will be dead for you and everyone else to look for me." I said to him. "I just wish that was true." He said. I then walked inside before keeping my hands behind my back. "Don't worry about me, Miles. I'll be careful as always, but you need to make me a promise." I said to him.

"And that is?" He asked. "Promise me that you and the men do your hardest to stay with me until the end of the war." I said. He then nodded before saying something similar. "Only if you promise to not leave us." "Deal." I said as I reached my hand out. He took it and shook it gently. I knew that war was going to tear families apart, but it would never tear my new family away from me.

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