The Lawless

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Adira's POV

Obi Wan and I walked into one of the private chambers in the Temple on Coruscant, hearing that Master Yoda and Mundi required our presences. "You summoned us, Masters?" Obi Wan asked as the doors behind us closed. I then noticed Master Mundi turned on the communications hub, and I saw the Duchess of Mandalore. I knew that both she and Obi Wan were close friends from a young age, and both held a strong desire for one another. I had also met her a long time ago when I was a young child, and I had grown to see her as a strong, and kind leader. But something looked wrong on her face, she was scared and worried. "This is a message for Obi Wan Kenobi and Adira Casteele. I've lost Mandalore. My people have been massacred, and Almec is now the Prime Minister. I can't explain everything now, but Almec has the support of the crime families." She said quickly before looking behind her, as I heard a grunt in the background. "Obi Wan, Adira, I need your help." She said before my eyes looked around her surroundings, only to see Death Watch soldiers surround her. It had been a long time since I've been to Mandalore, but I knew well enough that the Death Watch was a criminal group led by Pre Vizla to cause trouble to the Duchess and her people.

Once the recording was done, we turned to see our Master's expressions. "Your thoughts on this, Master Kenobi and Casteele." Master Yoda said. "Satine has been at odds with the Death Watch for years." Obi Wan started. "And recording to a report from Padawan Tano, they're no longer in league with the Separatists." I finished. "If there was a takeover on Mandalore, it was most likely an independent caused by the Death Watch alone. Without involvement from the Separatists, this is an internal affair for the Mandalorians. I'm afraid we cannot help." Master Mundi stated. "We cannot just hand Mandalore over to these crime families and let Satine become a martyr." Obi Wan retorted. "I'm afraid her decision to keep Mandalore neutral makes this situation difficult." Mundi continued. "Understand your feelings, I do. But to take action, support from the Republic Senate, we will need." Master Yoda said. "You know what the Senate will decide. They will not send aid to a neutral system." I stated. "At this time, nothing more can we do." He then said as Obi Wan and I shared an angry, and disappointed look that we would not have the support to save an old friend.


However, just because we didn't have the support of the Senate nor Jedi Order, it wouldn't mean that we couldn't do things in our own hands. Obi Wan and I had borrowed a ship from Anakin, and were going undercover in order to land on Mandalore and hopefully, save the Duchess. Obi Wan was in his old bounty hunter on the incident with Cad Bane and Moralo Eval to assassinate the Chancellor, while I was in my armor from the fiasco on Zygerria. Fortunately with our luck, we were able to land the ship on one of the platforms on Mandalore, but the ship was doing the opposite of what we wanted. "Anakin, thats the last time we borrow a ship from you." Obi Wan said as one of the pipes broke free, and the rest of the circuits started to sizzle. "Same." I agreed before putting on a helmet I had designed a while ago. It was similar to a phase 2 clone trooper helmet, but the screen was more reinforced and the armor was made with steel. As we walked towards the hanger, Obi Wan quickly put on his helmet, as if we were both Bounty Hunters from the past.

We walked down the hanger as it opened, only to stop near way until I stomped on it, making it go all the way down as two Death Watch soldiers greeted us. I had nearly forgotten what the Death Watch had looked like, but I do remember their armor was blue and gray, but now it was red. I sensed a dark presence was here to prevent us from rescuing Satine, but I didn't know who. "You better get your ship looked at." One said, noticing the flaw of the hanger door. "Oh, it's our friend's ship. He told us it was perfectly fine." I said, just as a part of it fell off. "Terribly sorry about that." Obi Wan said. "Do you have a landing permit?" The other asked. "I think I left it in the ship, come with us and we'll get it." Obi Wan said as we led the two into the ship, only to quickly knock them out once we were out of view. I was afraid the other nearby soldiers would hear, but as we walked out in their disguise, they looked away as if nothing happened, giving us the chance to save the Duchess.

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