Legacy Of Terror

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I was with Master Luminara, standing over the cliff to see the wide open desert. I then looked over my shoulder to see a gunship landing, have Obi Wan to exit from it within seconds as he walked over to us. "A hard-won victory." He said as we walked besides us. "Indeed, and a costly one. We suffer a great many losses in these battles." I agreed. "Too many." Master Luminara stated. "The battles do appear to be coming with growing frequency." Obi Wan pointed out. "No sign of Poggle then?" She asked. "Nothing. We have clone squadrons spread out all over the area, but no hits yet." He replied. "I'll go out and find some clues as to where he went." She stated as she walked to a speeder. "I'm sure the Clones can handle-" He started before she intervened. "Poggle has too much information about the Separatists to let him get away." She reminded him. "Very well, Master Unduli." He said in defeat. "Just make to leave a bit of strategic planning for me when I come back, Master Kenobi, I'd hate to feel left out." She said as she hopped on her bike, and drove away from us.


I was outside with my men, seeing the casualty numbers and wounded that had been transported when I then left for the command center to avoid a coming sand storm. I knew that Master Unduli was still looking for Poggle, but the way this sand storm was increasing it's force would make it nearly impossible to track anyone. "Master Kenobi, we tracked Poggle to the Progate Temple, but now there's no sign of him." Master Luminara describes. "Go no further until we can send support." Obi Wan stated. "This storm is making things difficult, we can barely read your transmission as it is." I agreed with him. "Are you sure he went into the temple?" Master Mundi asks. "Yes, we saw him enter, but I think he's gone down into the catacombs below." She replied. "Those catacombs go on for miles. I fear we may have lost him, get yourself out of there." Obi Wan instructs right before we heard her clone scream, and saw her ignite her lightsaber before the transmitter was cut off. "Master Unduli, Master Unduli!" I repeated, nothing responded. "We've lost the connection." Master Mundi informed as Anakin started to head out. "Where are you going?" Obi Wan asked. "Take a guess." Anakin replied. "We'll never make it out to her in this storm, the gunships can't handle it." Obi Wan stated to him. "We can't wait!" Anakin repeated. "I'm sorry Skywalker, but we have no choice. We must be patient, and trust in Master unduli." Master Mundi reassured. "We'll leave as soon as the storm lifts." I finished as Obi Wan and I looked out at the glass to wait for the storm to stop.


Once the storm let up, Anakin, Obi Wan, and I left the command center to search for Master Unduli near the Progate Temple. "Stay alert everyone." Obi Wan warned as we entered the temple. "Spread out and look around men." Anakin then said as I saw Cody walking to something. "General" He said as the three of us walked to see Master Luminara's clone. "Buzz is dead." He reported as I sighed. "Any sign of Luminara?" I asked. "No, sir." He replied as Obi started to look around, and looked at a hole in the ground. "There was a struggle here." He said before his eyes caught on something, and he knelt down to pick it up. "This is not a good sign, Luminara's lightsaber." He informed as he handed it to Anakin. "Poggle didn't do this, but maybe that did." Anakin stated as we looked at a facial carving on the wall, resembling some sort of bug. "That is one ugly bug." Cody commented. "Indeed." I agreed with him as we continued to look at the face. "I haven't seen one that looks like that before." Anakin said. "I don't believe anyone has. It could be the Geonosian queen." Obi Wan came up. "The bugs have a queen?" I asked. "Rumored, but we haven't found any proof of her existence." Obi Wan replied as we looked at a dark tunnel.

"This way." He then says as the three of us ignite our lightsabers to see through the dark. "Come on men, let's move." Cody instructs to the rest of the clones as they followed behind us. I was glad Miles wasn't coming this time since he and Tracker were staying at the base, making sure the remaining droids or bugs wouldn't come and take it. I looked around to see other tunnels in the main one, along with the remains of bones of unlucky things that may have been taken by the bugs, if they lived here. "This leads to a dead end." Cody alerted us before we took a step forward. He then continued to scan around, and looked at a smaller tunnel to my right. "This one goes down the farthest. I'd say thats our best bet." He suggested. "I'll go first." Obi Wan volunteered as he crouched down, and walked into the tunnel, the rest of us following right after him.

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