To Become A Master

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Adira's POV

I was leading some men on the planet of Felucia, against the onslaught of the droid army, whom were guarding a droid factory that was deploying more droids by the second. Master Di and Yoda lended me some of their men for the mission; to take down the droid factory and the resistance on the planet. We were nearing the factory as Destroyer droids rolled their way towards us, including some behind us as they were circling us. However, battle droids were in front of them and an idea came to mind. "Get down!" I ordered as my men ducked to the ground quickly without question. I then summoned the Force and pushed the battle droids against the destroyer droids, causing the second wave of droids to roll backwards before their shields exploded, taking out some of their own along the way. This then gave us the advantage point as my men jumped back up into the fight and tore down the droids while I led them along the path, my lightsabers blocking enemy fire until we came upon the droid factory, but it wasn't how I thought it would be. The creations of the droids were halted in midair during our fight, and someone else was already here that would have enough power and demand to do without questions.

"Dooku." I said as me and my men ran up to the factory, only to encounter the Sith Lord in front of us. The former Jedi apprentice of Master Yoda stood upon us, lightsaber in hand while his eyes beamed at me, calmly, yet mischievously. "I felt a tremor in the Force that you would come soon, Jedi." He said, the last bit of droids marching up behind him. "So surprising to see that you have created this operation on Felucia, Count. The Jedi Council would be glad to see you in custody." I stated. "I am afraid that you will not be the one to do so, Casteele." He stated, igniting his crimson red lightsaber before pointing the blade at me. I noticed from the corner of my eyes that my men were beginning to walk up, wanting to help me in this fight, but I held my hand up. "Do not engage in this battle, everyone. Take care of the droids for me, and I try to match my skills up with the old man here." I instructed as they hesitantly agreed, firing at the droids while running towards them. Seeker then walked up besides me, sharing a look of concern I could see under his helmet, but I nodded at him, signaling to him that I would be alright and he joined the others in the fight. Dooku ignored them, and rushed towards me and I the same. Instinct took over my mind as I blocked his attempt at slicing my head off, holding one of my blades at his red one while the other was underneath my first one. He was older and wiser than I was at the time being, however, he was unknown of the skills I had in secret.

I pushed him back, dropping my lightsabers to the ground before a familiar light surrounded my body until it faded to reveal me in my griffin form, flying above him while screeching in the meantime. I had a plan. He used the Force to grab me in the air, pulling me towards him while his saber's blade was aimed at me. However, I quickly formed back into my Vahla form and grabbed my lightsabers with the Force, blocking his red lightsaber before my feet touched the ground again. "There is nowhere for you to go anymore, Dooku. Give yourself up and perhaps the Council will be merciful." I said, keeping my stance and blocking his single blade. "I always have another plan to accomplish, Casteele. Perhaps you should have joined me in the Dark side of the Force." He replied. "Mmm, I'll think about it. How about never?" I quickly summoned some of the Force and pushed Dooku back, ready to attack again until I realized he was making a retreat. The droids began to cover him as he pulled back into hiding, but I allowed him to slip away this time once my men came to help me, covering the Sith Lord's tracks. However, it wasn't long until the droid army fell beneath our forces, but Dooku was already gone, and his tracks were well covered. But on the positive side, the droid factory was now empty and the planet was back in Republic control.

Dooku may have snuck away again, but we would get him one day. Suddenly, one of my men called me over and I noticed he was motioning me towards a closed room. I walked towards him and felt surprised once I saw what he was pointing at.They were Younglings of the Jedi Order. Only a handful of them seemed to be captured by Dooku's hand, but I wondered what would've happened to them if we didn't know of the Separatist's droid factory here on Felucia. I nodded a 'thanks' at the trooper before kneeling down to the Younglings, having one of them to walk up to me without fear lingering in their minds. "You are safe now, little ones, Republic control has re-claimed this planet." I assured. "Master Jedi." One of them said. "How about I take you back to the Jedi Temple?" I then asked. "Yes, Master." The other said, taking my hand as I led the young ones back to where they belonged.


3rd POV

Adira returned back to Coruscant after Felucia was over, but was immediately called to the Jedi Council once she arrived. All of the Jedi Council Members were staring at her in curiosity, but Adira remained in her tall, proud position until Master Yoda spoke. "Luck, have you had on Felucia, Knight Casteele?" He asked her. "I have Master Yoda." She replied. "I have gained knowledge that Count Dooku was responsible for creating the droid factory and attempting to train Jedi Younglings." She continued, receiving strange looks from everyone else as they looked at each other. "I did not expect Count Dooku to manage capture over our own." Master Plo stated. "I am confused as well, Master Plo. However, the Jedi Younglings have been rescued unharmed, correct Master Casteele?" Master Mundi then asked. "Yes, Master Mundi. The total of six Jedi Younglings have rescued and are currently receiving treatment." Adira replied. "Hmm, sneaky and dangerous, the war is becoming. Wary, we must become. Dangers the Force is showing us, we do not know of yet. However, adapt to them, we must." Master Yoda informed as everyone silently agreed until Mace spoke. "It is an agreement of the Jedi High Council that we give the suggested award of the rank of Master to Jedi Knight Casteele and seat on the Council." He said. Surprise and shock filled Adira's head. "I--That is such an honor, Master. If I may, I am still young to be given such a gift, along with a seat on the Council." She stated. "Young, yes. Wise and brave, even more." Mace continued as Adira nodded her head in agreement. Master Di then sat up from his chair and ignited his lightsaber while Adira bent the knee on the ground. Her eyes were facing down on the ground while everyone else eyed her, but she knew what was happening.

"By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, Adira Casteele, Master of the Jedi Order." He said, waving his blade over her shoulders before removing it, signaling her new title of the Jedi Order. Adira bowed her heads at everyone in the room before walking towards Master Di's chair, where he had given it up when he learned Adira was to become a Council Member. Adira sat down in the chair calmly, but a smile was growing inside of her. She hadn't expect to go this far in her career as a Jedi Knight of the Grand Army of the Republic, but she had done it. Her promise she made to her mother on the last time she saw her on Cato Neimoidia was completed, but her path as a now Jedi Master was far from over.

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