How It All Ends

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Status: 2 Hours Before Deployment To Christophsis

3rd POV

"You alright?" Miles asked as Tracker rubbed the right side of his temple. A bacta patch was attached against the skin, hiding any sign of what the two had just done. "Yeah, I'm good," Tracker replied before shaking his head to clear the slight dizziness of the room, "what are these things?" He held the small item that both had taken out from their heads. "I don't really know, but I do know is that they can't be good." His brother answered. He held up the same item that was identical to the one in Tracker's hand. The two of them had learned of what happened to the 501st's ARC trooper some time ago, but after growing more curious in what he had investigated and learned, they were determined to find out what else he was trying to explain. "I mean, come on now. These things don't even look that dangerous if they do something corruptive." Tracker stated. "Probably, but you never know what they can do besides control our actions." Miles said. "I thought these would make any clone go crazy, you know, after what happened with that ARC of the 501st." The Captain assumed. "I thought so too, until I realized they didn't. Something didn't go as planned when he made an appointment with the Chancellor." Tracker turned to him, confused and unsure. "You think someone jeopardized his meeting?" He asked. Miles's eyes looked down at the ground, wanting, searching for the answers his brother wanted to know of. "We can only suspect someone did that. But what we know of so far is that we don't have enough evidence to state that these inhibitor chips are bad." He said. Tracker paced around the medical room which was empty despite the two of them currently occupying it. "Not bad?" He asked in confusion. "This made Tup kill a Jedi, they made Fives look like a madman!" He protested. "Lower your voice, Tracker." Miles warned. He sighed as Tracker looking around in optimism, questioning whether they were created as weapons or human beings.

"Look, I don't know what these things can really do, I don't even know if they are the reason for Tup killing a Jedi. But if we don't have enough evidence or backup to prove what we think of them is real, we're only going to look like how Fives was in the end." He sympathized, remembering Adira's report on the ARC trooper's demise. "Why don't we ask Adira for help, she can help us." Tracker suggested. "Maybe, but I don't think that could work." Miles said, troubled as he rubbed his growing beard. "Why not?" His brother asked. "Look, we can't just ask her to help us with something bigger than she could think of. If she gets caught and everyone thinks wrong of her actions, she may be punished." The older man informed. "What, like kicked off of the Council?" Tracker questioned. "Maybe, but maybe more than just that." Tracker rolled his eyes in disbelief. "I doubt it, she's wiser than the others that I know of." Miles turned towards his brother, grabbing his left shoulder pauldron as their eyes locked. "Tracker, this is serious. If she learns of this and doesn't even believe our story, we're going to get her in major trouble if she snoops around to see if we're right or wrong." He stated, warningly. "That's not anything out of the ordinary, she can get in trouble any time." He said. "You're not listening to me!" Miles's outburst made Tracker shut his mouth, only having the humming of the machine as the only noise in the room. Neither of them spoke, not at least for a while. "I guess I'm not then." Tracker said coldly before shrugging his brother's grip off. He headed to the exit before Miles grabbed his wrist, holding tightly yet in apology.

"You and I know what she can be like if she thinks something's wrong. I'm not taking the chance of bringing her into something bigger than herself." Miles stated. Tracker tried to block out his brother's hard way of an apology, but he couldn't when he spoke again. "Tracker, just promise me you won't tell her yet, not until we learn more about this." He pleaded, almost as if he were begging him. Tracker thought at the request for a moment. If he told Adira what they knew of, she could help them better than them learning it on their own, but she would be at the risk of being caught and punished if her actions were thought as trouble or a disturbance. Either way sounded stupid to him, but he wouldn't put his sister in complete danger if she learned of it. "Fine." He said at last before walking away, the doors closing behind him. It left Miles alone in the room, as if he were the only logical one on the matter. He wanted Adira to know, he wanted to know if she knew something about it, but he couldn't let her get hurt. At least after Christophsis was over, then he would tell her about it. Perhaps that would be the good timing. Dooku was dead, Grevious was on the run. It seemed like their most powerful and dangerous enemies were already being defeated, as was the war. When it was over, battles would end across the galaxy. But he stopped thinking about it all when he learned of the clones and their existence. If the war was over, what was their purpose? Would they be described as heroes to the Republic, or something else?

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