Old Friends, New Enemies

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3rd POV

Ekita and her divided forces of her Master's men were occupying the droids when they made contact sooner than anticipated. The droids were boxing them in towards the trench from both directions, gunning down Ekita's forces faster than how they could take down the droids. Spider droids were advancing past the battle droids, shooting at the unfortunate clones in plain view. Debris and gunfire clouded Ekita's vision, forcing her to block her face while continuing to block enemy fire. They were losing ground faster than how she thought the night before, but the droids would only fall into their trap they were sure would work on them. "Pull back, back to the trench!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. The clones looked up at her, and pulled back to where their leader instructed them to head to. Valor and Seeker covered the wounded as they were being escorted behind the rest, while Tallow run up besides Ekita. Often, he tuned around to fire bolts at the approaching droids, his blaster almost in a rapid firing position similar to his rotating weapon he used a while ago. The droids immediately followed behind them, not realizing the trap they were being lured into. Then, one of the Pykes walked up, curious at why the clones and Jedi were retreating so quickly while their number dwindled like falling flies. "Sir, we have been confirmed that the Jedi and the Republic troops are returning to the trench." A droid commander informed. "Good, chase them down, kill those we take as prisoners." The Pyke instructed. "Roger Roger." The droid replied, waving its hand down for more droids to follow behind the rest. But while more and more droids continued to follow up on one another, the plan the Jedi had worked on was coming together.

Adira stepped out from one of the openings to the catacombs, having Miles and Tracker to be further into the entrance. She watched as her Padawan and the rest of her men ran behind her, instantly diving into the plan they had discussed on earlier. The openings of the catacombs were big enough for clones to get through, but were too narrow and tight for any droid to enter. "You alright?" Adira asked once Ekita ran up to her. "I'm fine, what now?" She asked her Master. "Change of plans, didn't expect this much of a part to come in." Adira stated. "I want you to lead the men back to camp. These catacombs all come together in the middle and eventually lead back to camp. Once you're there, Anakin will meet you there with the 501st. Inform him of the situation, and you'll be further instructed from then on." She explained. "What about you, Master?" Ekita asked as Adira stepped away from the catacombs. "Don't worry about me, I'm going to buy you and the others some time." She assured. But Ekita didn't agree to the idea. "What? No, I want to help, I can fight." She volunteered. "You've helped me enough for a bit, Ekita. Let me take over." Adira reassured, giving her a smile before walking up on the higher ground. "Master..." Ekita trailed. Adira chuckled and looked back at her, the passing bolts of the droids missing her. "Don't worry about me, my apprentice. I am a Vahla, I have yet to show you how far I have come into this war." Adira then winked before walking ahead, calmly while the running clones passed by her.

"Commander!" Miles yelled to Ekita. "My Master is going to buy us some time, but we have to go now!" She then said. "Yes, sir!" Miles replied, nodding to Tracker who nodded back, heading deeper into the tunnel while Ekita followed behind. While they would eventually return to camp, Miles took one last glance at his General, his sister before the debris covered her figure. Please be safe, sister. He thought before following behind his Commander. Adira, on the other hand, continued walking towards the droids, simply moving her head to avoid being shot in the face. The scopes the Pyke leader looked through were true, it was her. "Cease fire." He commanded. The rapid gunfire eventually slowed down, the atmosphere growing quiet and silent again before Ekita interacted with the droids. "Uhh, do you know who that is?" A droid asked another. "I heard she was a changeling Jedi." The other responded. "A changeling Jedi? Oh no." The first droid complained. The Pyke leader looked down from his float, the droids aiming their weapons at her. "I will say, you are bold to come down to face me, Vahla Jedi scum." He taunted. "And you are bold to take on one of the Republic's most strongest garrisons in the Grand Army of the Republic." Adira countered, her voice loud enough for him to hear. "Why have you come down to meet me, then? Have you wished to negotiate terms for surrender?" The Pyke then asked.

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