On The Wings of Keederaks

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We were surrounded now that the droids were fully aware of our presences. Their forces were coming from both sides in massive groups, and they were slowly overpowering us. "Hey, Hunter hold them off! We'll check on Rex, Tracker and Echo." Anakin instructed to the sergeant, having the two of us to quickly run inside of the experimental room where Echo was used as a weapon of strategy. "Situation's almost under control out there. How's it going in here?" I asked. "I'm still trying to decrypt Echo's cerebral interface. Until I do, we cannot disconnect him from this computer system." Tech replied, looking at us briefly before turning his attention back at the computers. "How is he Rex, Tracker?" Anakin asked the two. "He's too weak to walk, very disoriented, doesn't even remember how he got here." Tracker replied. "He remember being at the Citadel, but that's about it." Rex finished. "Any word on the extraction squad?" I asked. "We called it in, but no word back." He said, looking at the door to see a droid fly inside. "Well, that's no surprise. We knew when we got into this we'd be on our own." Anakin reminded. However, the droids were pushing everyone else inside as the last group was defeated, allowing Hunter and the other to close the doors. "It's gonna get more difficult to get out of here. There are several squads of droids closing in." Hunter announced, quickly holding the door with Crosshair as one droid attempted to open it, only having its head twisted off from his body by Wrekcer. But more were on the way. "Enemy droids. Droids, lot's of them." Crosshair informed, looking at the door with his antennae before he and the others began closing it off with torches. "How long can you hold them off?" I asked. "How long do you need?" Hunter asked.

"Tech, how much longer?" Anakin anxiously asked. "Not yet. I need more time." He said. I looked at Tracker who stood up to me, coming into my ear and whispered. "He doesn't know about Fives yet. Should we tell him?" He quietly asked. "Not yet, not until we're back in Republic forces. If we tell him, he may not be able to overcome it." I answered. I knew those two were close, but if Echo could only remember the Citadel, would he remember his friend? "Ah, got it! You can unplug him now." Tech announced, finally being able to free Echo. Slowly, Rex began pulling the three tubes that were hooked into Echo's back, neck and head, one by one until the last sent the former ARC on his feet, gasping as if he were finally freed from such pressure. "Rex." He said throughout gasps. "What is it?" Rex asked as Echo breathed in deeply, coughing before speaking. "I got a big headache." He said, smirking as we smirked back. "Better to feel something than nothing, old buddy." Tracker said, smiling. "It's a touching reunion, guys, but we need to get out of here, now." Anakin reminded, watching as Echo pointed up at the ceiling. "There's an exhaust vent that leads to the cooling systems right there." He informed. "They've breached the front door. It won't be long before they're through the second." Hunter stated, looking at the door to see a laser slicing through the metal. Slowly, Echo pushed himself on his legs, inserting his mechanical hand into the computers, activating the open the door on the ceiling. "That should get it open." He said, having us to look up at the small hole.

"Great, now how do we get up there?" Crosshair asked. "Oh, I can help with that." Wrecker replied, pushing Hunter in front of him. Oh boy. "Wait, what? Wrecker, what are you doing?!" Hunter yelled before being thrown upwards, his hands and feet digging into the gaps. "A heads up would've been nice." He said, looking down at us. One by one, Wrecker threw everyone else up into the vent, having Echo to hang tightly onto Tech before throwing Rex and Tracker up. Once he was done, he turned towards us. "It's okay, Wrecker. We've got this." Anakin assured, having him and I to jump in the vent, looking at him before he began to run around the room. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm putting an end to Tambor's little science experiment." He said. "Are you done? Time's up!" Anakin yelled, pulling him upwards once Wrecker had thrown explosives around the area. I then noticed a small probe droid enter the room, purple electricity emitting from its circular body. "Whoa! Whoa! What is that thing? I don't like it, I don't like it!" Wrecker said, having Anakin to stop him in mid-air before the electricity could have got to him, and pulled him up instantly when the doors closed. "It's trying to get me! Whoa!" He yelled before being pulled in the vent, allowing us to quickly move to find a way on how to escape the city.

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