Beginning Of The End

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Adira's POV

I immediately plunged my lightsabers into the head of nearest battle droid to my left, spinning to my left to do the exact same to the other. The droid army had launched an attack on Coruscant and the Supreme Chancellor had been captured by Grevious and his forces that had come with. Obi Wan and Anakin were currently in orbit to rescue the Chancellor, while the rest of the Jedi and their troops were defending the Temple. Ekita and half of my forces were in the eastern entrance, while we were defending the northern. But the droids were slowly overpowering us, each wave increasing their power and force over time as my troops began dropping like flies. Not even the strongest will of the Force would defeat the wave we were facing against. Spider droids were lucky enough to sneak past my troops and into the Temple, followed by cover from their tanks and heavy cannons. Miles and Tracker were no where in sight, and I didn't have enough time to call in for more reinforcements as every droid would fire upon my position. Agitated, I placed my lightsabers on my belt and quickly jumped into the air before forming into my panther form; a low-pitch growl coming from my throat. "Blast it!" A droid commanded to the rest. Each droid besides me began firing at me as I quickly dodged their fire, tackling and clawing at those nearest to me before I was able to jump into the cockpit of a cannon.

I formed back into my normal form, lowering my head to avoid begin shot at while managing the control panels. After pressing some of them, I directed the front of the cannon towards the middle and back of the droid army, firing at them quickly as it began demolishing their numbers. Each blast sent the droids scattered further away from the Temple, destroying to brutally annihilating them. There was currently only one cannon, and it was the one I was managing, that was until two tanks rolled into the battle. "Fire!" A droid ordered after opening the top. Oh great. I thought before immediately bailing from the cannon. Once again, I jumped into the air and rolled against the ground the moment the tanks fired at the cannon, blowing it apart. Using the Force to help me, I used it to push the debris that were flung into the air before separating from hitting me. Grabbing my lightsabers, I ignited them again only feel as if they were heavier than metal. Exhaustion was getting ahold of me, and I could sense it getting stronger within the men. My hair that used to to braided into a bun was messy and loose against my back. Regardless, I stood up tall with my lightsabers tight in hand and my men running up besides me. I could see Nyx and Alor on my right and left, but I didn't see Seeker yet. Suddenly, an idea came to mind. Alor was still lieutenant, and he still remembered Illum. The droids were still marching towards us, but it would give us enough time to time it correctly.

"Alor!" I yelled. He ran up to me from the back, rifle in hand rather than his sniper weapon. "Remember Illum?" I asked him. He nodded at me immediately, grabbing charges from his belt. "Way ahead of you, ma'am!" He said. "Listen up!" I then looked at my men, knowing only a few were capable of accomplishing of what was about to happen. "Majority of you were with me on the mission on Illum, we're doing this now or never! Those who were deployed on Illum, go with Alor and listen to his orders. Those who weren't, come with me and Nyx to distract the droids! Alor, plan 617, sonic shock!" I ordered. My men understood quickly and ran to their positions, either siding with me or Alor as he ran to the far sidelines that were connected to the battlefield. The men that ran with Alor were equipped with charges and detonators, and majority of them already knew what I meant. My short time with Clone Force 99 paid me off when we were on Illum, and I already knew the outcome. While the droids were marching and running towards us, I watched as Alor and his men planted detonators and charges on the base of the tanks and some behind the approaching droids. Once they were in the correct positions, a smile formed formed on my lips.

"Now Alor!" I yelled. "Huh?" The droids turned around to see Alor and his men firing at the charges and detonators they had planted, only to be neutralized and stunned completely as they dropped to the floor. The electricity currents carried across the entire wave of droids, activating the detonators as they exploded upon the tanks. The heavy numbers of droids decreased rapidly as the explosions ceased, revealing only a handful of droids as my men fired upon them faster than I could run at them with my lightsabers. I looked up at the sky to see that the Separatist ships were jumping to hyperspace, leaving the orbit of Coruscant. They were leaving, the droid forces were now gone. I sighed in relief, kneeling on the ground in exhaustion while almost wanting to drop my back against it. The skies were clearing, slowly, but surely they were clear as they once were before. Soon, my comm began to beep as I saw Republic gunships hover over the ground to help the wounded. "General, we've taken down Separatist forces and have forced them to leave the surface." Miles reported on the other end. "Good job Commander, any word from Ekita?" I asked. "Right here, Master." She answered. My heart had never felt lighter for a long time. "Good job you two, evacuate the critical and the other wounded to the nearest medical center, Ekita, I need your help to finish what the droids left behind for us to fix." I then instructed.

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