Ghosts Of Mortis

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Now that the Daughter was gone, the balance was out of control. The Son was able to regain strength over the Father, and killed his sister by accident. But the Father gave us an order to leave the planet, having him to stop his son from escaping their world. Unfortunately, the ship was damaged when Anakin and Obi Wan went after us when the Son took Ahsoka and I. Ahsoka was attempting to fix what she could of the ship, but it was still in rough shape. "Well, you wan't the bad news, or the really bad news?" She asked. "Well, let's try the bad news, laced with a little optimism." Obi Wan replied. "We've got two cracked shilo pins, a busted power converter, the engines should be fired twice to dump debris, and the backup vents need charging." She replied, looking at all three of us. "Sounds terribly downbeat. Can it be fixed?" I asked as she moved back down into the ship. "I can reroute the primary initiator, weld the dampening vents, and that might give us enough power to leave the atmosphere. After that, I have no guarantee she'll hold together." She replied. "We'll take our chances. Better than staying here." Obi Wan said, looking at me as I sat down on one of the speeder bikes.

"Where are you going?" He asked. "To see the Father. I'm not convinced that the Son will be contained here without our help. Perhaps we should make a stand." I replied, turning the bike on. "Adira..." He started. "If I don't get the Father's blessing to leave, it'll haunt me forever." I pointed out, putting my feet on the pedals before driving the bike to where I could look and search for the Father for answers.


I put my feet on the brakes before hopping off of the bike, looking up to see the Father at a cemetery of a large tomb, where I believed where the Daughter was buried to be at peace. "You should have left by now." He said to me as I came closer. "Our ship needs repairs." I replied. "Do not underestimate my son. He will seek your ship to escape our isolation and sow terror through the universe. And while you are here, he will use your friend to do it." He stated. "What will you do now that he's given himself over to the Dark Side?" I asked. "It is my actions that have unleashed great danger on the universe. I must kill him." He answered. "But he's too powerful for you alone." I pointed out. "Hmm, perhaps, perhaps not. The Force will decide." He said. "I can help you." I suggested. "The choice is no longer yours to make. Both our destinies are clouded. This place is strong with the Force. Darkness has no hold here. Go, ask." He said, pointing to the distance away from the cemetery.

I obeyed, and did so as I left him to ponder in his thoughts. But as I did so, I realized everything was quiet. The Son wasn't here, there was still enough of the Light Side to keep him at bay from coming here, but something was here. "You have grown strong and powerful, just as we imagined." A voice said. I instantly froze and looked up at a broken pedestal to see the ghost figures of my mother and father. "Mom...Dad?" I asked, my eyes opened in surprise to see my parents in front of me. It had been years since they were killed in the resistance against the droid army on Cato Neimoidia. But they were in front of me. "Do you believe Anakin is the Chosen One?" My father asked. "How do I know?" I asked. "We can tell you what we believe. We believe he will bring balance to the Force, that you will both face your demons." Mom replied. "And...and this creature of the Dark Side, do we leave or do we stay and kill him?" I asked. "Neither, look deeper. You will find another way." She replied. "I don't understand, what do you mean?" I asked.

"Not far from here, there is a place which is strong in the Dark Side of the Force. Anakin is to go there." My father said. "And destroy the Son?" I questioned. Then, the ghost figure of my former Master appeared besides my parents, keeping his eyes calm at me. "Remember your training, Adira. Trust your instincts." He assured before the three began to fade away. "Mom..Dad..Master!" I yelled, almost wanting to grab them but they were gone. Their answers to what I wanted to ask them had solved them however. If Anakin was to look for the Son in the area of where the Dark Side was powerful, he was in trouble. If I let him go against the Son, couldn't even think about it. I then formed into my griffin form and took flight back to the ship.

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