Operation: Knight-Fall

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Adira's POV

We had targeted the nearest Separatists army that was closest to us. Our army was faltering against the droids' power and forces, but we had to keep going. Ekita was leading her forces nearby my garrison to give us some support, but reinforcements weren't coming. Instead, some of the nearby rebel civilians of Christophsis were helping us against the droids. We were still pushing against their blockade that was securing their Capitol and they hadn't lost a single droid to my view. Whilst my men were in cover while continuing to fire at the droids, I was in the lead with Ekita besides me. "There are too many of them, we can't keep going, Master!" She shouted. I could barely hear her plead, the rapid gunfire, cannons being launched, the droids and their marching routine were overpowering her voice. "Master!" She yelled again. I could hear her, but I had no idea what else to do. But then I remembered a single, suicidal plan that may encourage their spirits again. Just one more time. I deactivated my lightsabers and clipped them to my belt, crouching to the ground before forming into my panther. A snarl came from beneath my fangs before I charged at the droids, desperation and hope filling the only thing in my mind. I had to continue the charge against the droids, if this planet faced collapse and my army collapsed, the Separatists would gain the closest planet to Coruscant. They would launch another attack on the planet. Coruscant wouldn't recover if that were to happen. Slicing the droids one by one was the only way I could keep the charge alive, my men were falling and dying, while I remained alive and lucky. Thousands of souls died for me and the Republic, they never made it to where I was. Thousands of them deserved it, but the Force was never pitiful or kind to its subjects.

The moment I jumped off of my last target, I quickly formed into my griffin form and took flight into the air. My brown wings were glistening the moment the sun reached them, remaining bright even after I had dove down upon the droids. "Uh oh." One said, running away while the rest stood still. I had to keep going forward. I grabbed a nearby droid in my talons and tore its head off, dropping it on those below it. Earlier before the attack, I had clipped explosives and droid poppers on my belt, and I had to be quick the moment I dove back on the ground and form back in my Vahla form to grab one. Two were all that were left from the rest, and I put both of them in my hands before forming back into my griffin form, taking flight once more into the sky with them held in my talons. I dropped one, it exploded within a matter of moments the moment it touched a droid's head. The next was then dropped on a smaller canon that was about to fire, instead, it exploded due to the fire it was storing inside of the mouth of the weapon. It was timing that was perfect. Exploding into pieces of flame and fire, it had also taken down the nearby droids around it, including several spider droids. Landing on the ground that was some feet away from the droids made me feel...stronger. I needed strength to keep going, but I needed patience and control. I had lost control of the Force too many times already, I would not lose it again.

After the wave of droids had fallen beneath my talons., I realized the next wave was stronger and more reinforced with cannons and spider droids. I formed in my wolf form, emitting a small howl from my muzzle before it became quiet the moment I dug my fangs into the weak points of a nearby spider droid. The droid turned its barrel towards my figure before it was too late for it. I had already jumped out of its scopes as it exploded into fire, destroying or throwing the nearby droids off course around it. I ran into the normal battle droids and the super battle droids off from their feet and onto the ground, shaking them like a rag doll before throwing them aside. I soon arrived on where the first and second wave were the droids' strongest forces. I spun to face my army, forming back into my Vahla form before yelling, "For the Republic!" Everyone went quiet for a second before a clamor of yells and cheers replied to my call, running out from cover and towards the droids with their spirits skyrocketing. I turned around to face the droids, now re-igniting my lightsabers to block enemy fire. A close view revealed to me that the droid army was smaller than anticipated, it was their first and secondary forces that were stronger than the rest. The cannons that had pushed us back so far from our target were now being filled with explosives, the spider droids that continued to ambush us were now the ones being jumped. I was surprised of how lucky we were to have such strong, and powerful men at my side. Unlike thousands of Jedi who had passed into the Force, my time wouldn't arrive yet for some time.

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