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Adira's POV

I had joined Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi Wan to search for the Republic Cruiser that would help us locate the mysterious transmission in the Crelythiumn system. But since the system was older than time itself and hadn't used a Jedi distress call for 2,000 years, there was the possibility of the Separatist trying to lure us into a trap. However, we had no other choice but to investigate before Anakin contacted Rex and Miles. "Rex, Miles, do you read me?" Anakin asked. "We're at the rendezvous point awaiting your arrival. Where are you?" I asked. "Sirs, we are on the rendezvous point." Rex began. "But there's no sign of you on our scanners." Miles finished. "Oh come on, that's impossible. Something's wrong. We're at the exact coordinates where the distress signal originated, but there's nothing here." Anakin complained. "I agree, Rex and Miles are at the exact same coordinates and they're aren't here." I said. "This is getting interesting." Obi Wan muttered. Suddenly, the holo-picture of Rex and Miles began to fade out, crackling as their voice began to cut out. "Unable to..find you." Rex began. "Where..are..you sirs?" Miles continued before we lost communications.

"Not good. Everything's dead, even the life support." Ahsoka said. "Hmm, this is really strange." Obi Wan said. However, the power then turned back on as everything was earlier. "There, see? Nothing to be concerned about at all." Anakin assured until something caught my eye. "Then what's that?!" I asked, pointing at what I saw. It was a triangular-prism, covered in deep bronze and deep writing of another language I couldn't understand. "It's pulling us towards it." Ahsoka informed. "Everyone, strap yourselves in." Anakin instructed as we did so. "Looks as though we're going for a ride." Obi Wan stated until a bright light appeared in the opening of the figure, having us to look at it before I began to loose conscious and eventually blacked out.


I began blinking my eyes open as I could only make out a bright surrounding outside of the ship. "We must have blacked out." I said. "Then who landed the shuttle?" Obi Wan asked as he and Ahsoka began waking up. "Not me." She said. "Mmm, where are we?" Anakin asked as Ahsoka did a bio-scan of the area. "Some kind of organic mass. All of our readings indicate that it's bigger than an astroit. But at least the atmosphere is breathable." She reported. "Well, this is getting more unusual by the minute. I can't even lock down where in the galaxy we are, or if we are even in our galaxy." Obi Wan pointed out. "Well, the ship's systems seem fine, but for whatever reason, nothing's working." I said before I noticed a light flicker ahead of us. "Hey! I saw something. A reflection, up on the hill." Anakin exclaimed. "I don't see anything." Obi Wan said before Anakin and I left the ship, leaving for the outside world as I looked in wonder around us. It was beautiful. As if the war hadn't even touched the land or the trees that swayed besides us. I then noticed a group of rocks floating in the sky where the clouds were, and believed the gravity in the air was different.

"Are you the One?" A female voice asked. "What the--" Anakin asked, as he and I looked around for the source of it. "Did you hear that?" I asked. "I didn't hear anything." Obi Wan replied, placing the scopes down for a moment until we heard the voice again. "Is he the One?" It asked again, having all of us to turn around to spot a woman. Her long green hair was beautiful like the flow of swaying grass, and her long white dress made her look almost elegant. "Hello, who are you?" Obi Wan asked, looking at the woman. "I am Daughter. Are you the One?" She replied with the same question. Her voice echoing deeply, yet light to match her tone. "Uh, the One what?" Anakin asked. "I will take you to him." She continued. "Him who?" Ahsoka asked. "Did you bring us here?" I then asked. "Only he can help you. There is little time, follow me. We musth have shelter by nightfall." She pushed on, ignoring our questions as she walked off. "And we thought the planet was strange." Ahsoka said. "How about this one?" Anakin asked quietly, pointing at the Daughter. "We'll be fine, as long as we stick together." Obi Wan reassured as we followed right after her.

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