The Zillo Beast Strikes Back!

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Adira's POV

I was walking out of the Temple's halls to greet Master Windu and General Skywalker as I had saw this..Zillo Beast. Although it was asleep, and secured tightly on a large platform surrounded by clones and tanks, I couldn't help but have a feeling that the Zillo Beast could wake up at any time. I then walked over to Mace who was talking with the Chancellor. "So, this is a Zillo beast?" I ask, looking at the features of the large lizard. The scales were light brown, and I could see that it would climb or walk on threes or fours."Yeah, just be glad it's not awake." Anakin replies, crossing his hands over his chest. "Such size, such..Power." The Chancellor said in surprise as he watched the creature being taken away. I felt something was, off. I could hear the voice of the calm Chancellor turn to a, darker tone. "With respect Chancellor, this beast could pose any number of damage. Bringing it to Coruscant, is a mistake." Mace says, looking from the creature to the Chancellor.

"Oh, I assure you I did not make this decision lightly, Master Jedi. The sooner we unlock the Zillo Beast's secrets, the sooner we can end this terrible war." Chancellor said, his voice returning to normal. Thats when I had thoughts in my end. If we somehow can use the Zillo Beast as a new weapon or amor for the troopers, the war may end sooner than we thought. "I hope you are right Chancellor." Mace says, as he steps aside to allow a woman through. "I'm turning the Zillo Beast over to you Doctor, I trust it will be given good care." Mace says, talking calmly to the Doctor."The beast is a priceless resource Master Windu, it will be well treated I assure you." The lady said, bowing to my older friend and walked beside the Chancellor behind the Zillo Beast. I was willing to tell the Council of why a creature so strong and powerful, would be brought to Coruscant, but my curiosity got the best of me as I decided to see what the Beast was capable of, and walked besides the Doctor and Chancellor.

I made sure I was wanting to do something a bit reckless, but knowing myself I would reckless at times like this. I decided to hop of the conveyor platform and touched the large, but smooth scales of the Zillo Beast. I could somehow feel the emotions and fears that the beast had as I was able to connect through it with the Force. I was a Vahla, but I had other DNA samples inside of me that was the combination of other animals connected to the Force, allowing me to sense what the Beast could feel. "Do not worry creature, I will make sure that no harm will personally come to you. I do not know how, but I will try to get you to a safer location, where no one else would disturb you." I said in my mind, hoping the creature would understand me.


3rd Person POX

The Zillo Beast was being held down on it's feet by several beams that would prevent it from moving. Adira was making sure that the beast wouldn't be hurt, and was in a small pod with the Chancellor who was looking at the doctor, that was examining the creature. "The scales have to be removed first, it's very difficult and painful." The Doctor said, looking at the Chancellor. "Would it not be more efficient to kill the Beast?" The Chancellor asked, causing both Doctor and Adira to look in shock at the Chancellor's question. "Kill it? Are you sure?" Mas Amedda asked the Chancellor. "Chancellor, I must protest!" Adira said, shocked to hear the Chancellor's voice. "Besides being the last of it's kind, this creature may be intelligent." The Doctor said, pointing to the Zillo Beast. "I find that hard to believe, after all, it is just an animal." Palpatine said, looking at the Beast that had narrowed it's eyes at him aggressively. "I didn't seem to like your comment." The Doctor said. "I applaud your high moral stance Doctor, after all, principle is in short supply these days. However, every passing minute of warfare brings countless deaths, deaths that could be prevented once the beast's secrets are unlocked. If there is a way to hasten the process, it is our moral duty to explore it." The Chancellor says.

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