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We were on the move as we had to avoid being detected by the Quarren or aqua droids. Now that the Gungaun reinforcements were either dead or taken as prisoners, we were all that was left of the resistance against the Separatist and Quarren. "We can't hide forever." Prince Lee-Char stated, impatient to free his people. "The Gungan Army was the last of the Republic's reinforcements. There won't be any more." I confirmed as we were now on our own. "The failure is mine, not the Republic's." He said before I looked to see a few droids scouting. "Get back!" Ahsoka instructed as we moved back into our cove. "If my father were here, he could unite Nossor Ri and the Quarren. The Quarren and Mon Cala have always had a difficult relationship, but it was respectful, until Riff Tamson arrived. Once that Karkaradon got inside Nossor Ri's head, the alliance between the Mon Cala and the Quarren fell apart." He admitted as we continued to swim past scouts and the familiar squid machines. "I know what I must do. The Mon Cala and Quarren people must be reunited." He continued as we hide besides a tall building. "Okay. I like your thinking, but whats the plan?" Ahsoka asked. "Count all the prisoners. Mon Cala, Gungans, clones. If we all fought together, we would outnumber our opponent." He replied. "If this is going to work, we'll need to let your people know." I informed. "They'll have to be ready to fight." Ahsoka agreed. "We need Captain Ackbar, and I think I know where to find him." He stated as we started to swim into deeper waters.


We swam slower as we came to large electric barrier, which I assumed was a prison camp for the Republic reinforcements. "It's a prison camp." I reported as I knew it was when a few prisoners went inside. "How can we be sure Captain Ackbar is inside?" Ahsoka asked the prince. "There's only one way to find out." He confirmed as we swam closer to the opening. Once the barrier opened, we immediately swam inside and behind the droids. I noticed a few Mon Cala soldiers look towards us, and knew they recognized the prince. "Prince Lee-Char? Are you a prisoner here as well?" One of them asked. "I am here, but not as a prisoner. I've come with a message. As your future king, I have not lost hope. The time is coming when you will be free again. I will not fail you." Lee-Char stated to the soldier and the others. "We want to believe, but how can this be possible?" The soldier asked before we heard familiar voice. "Commander Tano, General Casteele." It asked as we turned to see familiar faces. "Monnk, Seeker, am I glad to see you two again." I said with a smile. "Yes, General. But you three must come with us now." Monnk stated. "You'll attract too much attention here, and we think there's someone who'll be happy to see you." Seeker finished as he looked at the prince. "Prince, you can't leave us here." The soldier nearly pleaded as he grabbed on his arm. The prince then swam back to the soldier and placed his hands on his shoulders. "Have courage. The next time I appear to you, I will appear as your king." He confirmed as I felt he was right.


As Seeker and Monnk led us through the prison camp, I looked around to see the rest of the prisoners. Clones, Gungans, and Mon Cala soldiers stared at us as we swam to a small group of Mon Cala soldier, and I looked closer to see Captain Ackbar. "You're alive. Captain, you were right." Senator Tills said as she awoken him. "Prince, I knew you would survive the battle." He said as he grabbed on Lee-Char's hand. "Captain, I need your help. I have a plan. I know how we can win this fight." The prince confirmed. "But the battle is over, young prince. And it appears we have lost." Captain Ackbar replied in defeat. "No. In truth, we now outnumber our enemy. We can overwhelm them." Lee-Char stated. "But we are prisoners. If we revolted, thousands would die." Senator Tills objected. "Not if the Quarren struck first and aided in our attack." He continued. "Prince, how can you say this? The Quarren betrayed us. They assassinated your father!" Ackbar pointed out. "No captain, Riff Tamson murdered my father, of that I am sure." He re-phrased. "The Quarrn are being used, I've seen it happen before." I agreed with him. "Count Dooku has deceived them." Ahsoka finished. "We'll find Nossor Ri. He was my father's friend. I know he will listen." The prince continued. "How can you be certain of this?" Ackbar asked. "I can't, but it's time for me to lead. And this, I feel is my only course of action." He replied. "I will ready our people, prince." Ackbar then confirmed. "But captain, you're injured." Tills objected. "I'll be ready to fight, with our future king." Ackbar replied as Lee-Char smiled at him. "We'll marshal the remaining clones and Gungans." Seeker informed. "What will your signal be?" Monnk asked. "When the Quarren attacks our enemy, that will be your signal." The prince replied before we looked around to see the droids surrounding us.

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