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Adira's POV

I walked with Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi Wan back to the Jedi Temple after we had been called back. "So, what's the big rush?" Anakin asked. "The Jedi Council has called an emergency meeting." Obi Wan replied. "I can see it now. Another long, boring debate." Anakin sighed in annoyance. "Would you rather they call you to train younglings?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "Are you crazy?" He asked me with a face that made me chuckle. We were about to make it to the ship before a shot nearly hit me in the shoulder, but it was too far to the right to do so. We immediately ran for cover as Ahsoka and I hid behind some crates, and Obi Wan and Anakin the same. "Any idea where that shot came from?" Anakin asked as Ahsoka pointed to the top of a building. "A sniper. I see him up there." She reported as I saw him as well. It appeared to be a bounty hunter, and was holding a sniper rifle as he continued to fire at Obi Wan and Anakin's positions. "All right, here's the plan. Anakin, you flank him on the right. Adira, the left. Ahsoka, you cover the lower streets. I'm going after him." Obi Wan instructed to us as we quickly split up, igniting our lightsabers as we deflected his bolts. I formed into my panther form and ran to the left for cover against the firepower. I then jumped from a few creates and to the top of the building with aid of the Force. I slowed my pace down as my paws did not make a sound, but as I turned the corner, the sniper was already gone. "Blast it!" I said angrily before forming back, turning on my comm. "Anakin, I've lost sight of him." I reported. "I lost him as well. Obi Wan, do you have anything?" Anakin asked as the other end went silent.

My heart started to beep rapidly as I heard nothing for the moment, but my eyes looked to the far end of the building to see the sniper take a strong shot at Obi Wan through his shoulder, sending him to stutter backwards before falling to the ground where I knew Ahsoka was. "Obi Wan!" Anakin yelled as he watched everything happen. "I got him, go!" Ahsoka ushered as both of us ran after the sniper. There wouldn't be enough time to form in either my griffin or dragon to chase him in time, and the space was not big enough for me to do so. I quickly formed in my wolf form and ran after the bounty hunter, snapping my jaws angrily to bite at his running legs. Anakin quickly jumped on my back with his lightsaber ignited in hand, but just as we were about to grab the sniper, he threw a smoke bomb at us as I lost my footing and slid to the ground on my side. I slowly got up and shook my head from being dazed, and noticed we had lost the trail of the sniper. "Quickly!" Anakin said as we then ran back to where Obi Wan was shot. I watched in horror as Ahsoka held him lifelessly in her arms, not looking up at us. "How is he?" Anakin asked as she finally looked up with tearful eyes. "Obi Wan? Obi Wan! Obi Wan!" Anakin yelled at his master, but there was no response. I felt everything being taken away from me as I howled to the sky as the security transports stood around us.


We returned to the Temple and watched as Obi Wan laid on the soon-to-be lowering casket, having a thick, white blanket cover over his body. I noticed the Duchess from Mandalore had come, and remembered her a while back in my young age. She was close with Obi Wan, perhaps if he were not a Jedi, they would have ruled Mandalore together. I wore my Jedi robes as a gray cloak covered over them, and I looked to my right to see Ahsoka and Anakin looking down at their fallen friend. "I'm worried about Anakin. He hasn't said a word since it happened." Ahsoka whispered to Master Plo Koon as I looked at her with agreement in my eyes. "I agree, something is different about him now." I responded before the casket lowered into the ground as the tiles covered over his body, igniting the bright golden light of a fallen Jedi Master.


I walked besides Master Mace and Yoda to the Halls Of Healing a while afterr Obi Wan's memorial. I wasn't so sure why I agreed to go with the plan, but I hoped it would work out later. "Having second thoughts, Master Yoda. Master Casteele?" My superior Jedi Master asked us. "Hmm, heading down a dark path, we are." Master Yoda responded. "Indeed, I feel the anger inside of Anakin intensify more than ever." I added. "We talked about this. Killing a Jedi was the best move we had." Mace reminded as we entered the Halls Of Healing, only to open the door as we saw Obi Wan on the stretcher, the metal plate to his side as it was his best choice to deflect the sniper bolt. "So, how was my funeral?" He asked with sarcasm. "A better performance than you, your corpse gave." Master Yoda replied. "Whatever do you mean? I fell from the top of a building, I could have killed myself." Obi Wan pointed out. "Survived worse, you have. Young Skywalker knows this." Yoda informed. "I took the vital's suppressor as instructed. I was dead to the world when Anakin moved my body. There was no way he could know I was alive." Obi Wan confirmed. "Not know. But sense, he will, that something is not right." Master Yoda agreed. "Keeping Anakin on the outside was critical. Everyone knows how close we are." Obi Wan pointed out.

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