Brain Invaders

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With Poggle in custody, the Republic was starting to leave Geonosis behind now. I saw as Poggle was taken into a transportation for Coruscant, and saw Master Mundi exit from it, seeming worried. "I'm afraid we have a complication." He said. "Don't we always?" Anakin asks with a smirk. "I just received a distress signal from our forces on Dantooine. Master Windu's defenses held, but at a great cost to his men. They need medical supplies immediately. We can obtain these supplies at the medical station near Ord Cestus." Master Mundi stated. "We're delivering Poggle to Coruscant, and Cestus is not exactly on the way." Anakin replied, sounding troubled. "The Republic must begin debriefing Poggle right away if we're to get useful intelligence from him." Master Luminara said, agreeing with Anakin. "Master, I suggest we let our Padawans handle the supply mission." Anakin responded, putting a hand on Barriss's and Ahsoka's shoulder. "Whatever needs to be done Master, I'm happy to help." Ahsoka reassured in a cheerful way. "As am I." Barriss agreed with her. "I'll go with them, just to make sure they don't run into any problems." I stated. "Very well. Take a medical frigate, and after we've delivered Poggle to Coruscant, we'll rendezvous with you for the voyage to Dantooine." Obi Wan instructed as the two then headed to the frigate. I then decided to alert my men that we were about to leave Geonosis, and chuckled at what I saw. All of my men were asleep against a few rocks, and Miles was leaning against one as he looked up to see me.

"Thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked with a smirk. "I'm way ahead of ya." I replied as I formed in my wolf form, and barked loudly to wake the men up. Everyone then moved up as they grabbed their weapons, and I chuckled. "Sorry boys." I said as I formed back. "Hope we didn't interrupt any..Pleasant dreams." Miles finished. "Got another mission sir?" Cinder asked. "You bet. We're making a medical supply run to Ord Cestus." Miles replied. "Ugh, thought we were bred for battle, not running errands." Pulsar groaned as Miles walked in front of him. "Hey, we were bred to follow orders, Pulsar. You got a problem with that?" He asked. "No, sir. No problem." Pulsar replied. "Thats what I thought. Now move." Miles instructed as the rest of the men got up, all but one. "Scythe, come on! Up brother, up and at 'em!" I heard Pulsar say to his brother. I then looked back to see Scythe on his feet, and looking straight. "Hey Scythe!" I called as I saw Pulsar smirk. "Welcome to the land of the living." He said. "Thank you sir." Scythe replied slowly. I felt something was wrong, as if there was a tremor in the Force. "Sis, you good?" Tracker asked.

"Yeah, just thought I felt something, off." I replied as I shrugged it off. "Oh well." I continued as we all boarded the shuttle, and took off. "We are ready to make our jump, Master Fisto." Barriss reported to Master Fisto on the communicator. "Good, I look forward to your arrival." Master Fisto replied as we then make the jump to hyperspace.


I was in my quarters while everyone else was asleep. I had called Master Di to discuss the previous events. "I see, so Poggle has been captured?" He asked in the comm. "Yes Master, Masters Skywalker and Kenobi are taking him to Coruscant, and then we'll meet for the voyage to Ord Cestus." I explained. "Good to hear, at least the second war of Geonosis is over." He stated. "Yes. May I ask where you and your men are going?" I asked. "I believe we are leaving for Teth, in order to settle a dispute between the natives and a resistance." He explained. "Sounds challenging." I said with a smirk. "I'll be sure to tell you of our progress once we all meet to Ord Cestus, Master Di out." He said as the communications were cut off. I sighed as I was about get some sleep, when I heard firing from the cafeteria. I ran out of my room and down to see Ox and Edge on the side of the wall, having Ahsoka and Barriss to ignite their lightsabers. "What just happened here?" I asked. "These two just attacked us!" Ahsoka replied as Trap and Havoc came through the doors, having Ahsoka and Barriss to aim their lightsabers at them. "What are you doing?" Trap asked. "Two clones just attacked us! What is going on?!" Ahsoka asked angrily. "Trap, do you know what happened to those other troopers?" Barriss asked.

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