Friends And Enemies

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I was meditating in my quarters before Anakin called me on my comm, telling me that Rako Hardeen, Moralo Eval, and Cad Bane had escaped the prison complex. I was both relieved the mission had worked and Obi Wan was fine, but was confused on how Cad Bane was in on the mission. We had no intel that he was even in Eval's cell. But I supposed it would help Obi Wan get closer to Eval's plan on the festival on Naboo. I then met up with Anakin at the Chancellor's office, and took a seat as the Chancellor was speaking with Mace. "Why are you removing the bounty on the three fugitives?" The Chancellor asked. "If they're free to move, they could lead us back to Eval's operation." Mace replied from the transmitter. "Very well, keep me apprised." The Chancellor then requested before turning off the transmitter. "You look troubled, Anakin." He then said as he looked at Anakin and I. "How can they just expect us to just sit here and do nothing with Obi Wan's murdered on the loose?" Anakin asked crossly. "It is possible they do not trust you to control your feelings." The Chancellor replied as I started to know where this was going to end. "Hardeen killed my Master, my best friend! And now he's escaping with Cad Bane and Moralo Eval, and the Jedi Council won't do anything about it!" He responded angrily, turning to face the glass as I slowly followed behind him.

"Perhaps they have not gone far, Anakin. If they have only escaped hours ago, they could be in a nearby planet." I suggested. "I have it from a reliable source that the fugitives were last headed to towards Nal Hutta. You cannot deny your feelings Anakin, they are what make you special. If you both believe you can stop this plot against me, I trust you both." The Chancellor stated. "Thank you, Chancellor. You won't regret this." Anakin replied as he and I bowed our heads. We then both walked outside to grab Ahsoka for this mission, but I had a feeling Anakin was growing angrier the more Obi Wan was staying away from him. "Anakin, you know I have your back fully. But going behind the Council's is a rather, up-top mission." I confirmed to him. "No one said you had to come along, Adira." He snapped. I knew he was mad at this point, almost furious. "I have to, Obi Wan was a friend to me. But even he would know this would be dangerous for the three of us." I pointed out. "Then you never knew who Obi Wan was at all!" He snarled . "Anakin!" I exclaimed before he stormed away from, as I remained in my spot and didn't move for a moment. Obi Wan, you need to be careful if Anakin finds you before I do. I thought to myself before slowly following Anakin.


Ahsoka, Anakin, and I had took a small ship to Nal Hutta after we came in fromt Hyperspace. Neither he or I spoke a word after leaving the Chancellor's office, and I felt he was going to soon. "What makes you two think Obi Wan's murderer is on Nal Hutta?" Ahsoka asked. "We've had a tip from the Chancellor himself." I replied gently. "How are we gonna find him?" She then asked. "Ahsoka, you should know by now. If you want to find a lowlife.." Anakin started. "You start at the saloon." She finished as she realized where we were heading. As we landed the ship, Anakin was the first to walk outside as Ahsoka and I shared a look for the moment being. "Ahsoka, come here for a second." I whispered to her in order for Anakin to not hear. "Yes, Master Casteele?" She asked as she did so. "I know you and Obi Wan were close as Anakin was with him, but I fear he was closer to him than any of us. I want to request you to watch out for him and for him to not do anything too rash." I informed her. "I don't know, Master Casteele. When he's like this, he's almost impossible to speak to." She slightly argued. "I know, Ahsoka. But I just wish he wouldn't always be like this." I said before we both followed behind Anakin, only to run after him as he entered the saloon before us. After the doors closed behind us, Anakin ignited his lightsaber as two Gamorrean guards started to walk towards us, not looking very pleased.However, Anakin used the Force to push the two back, sending one of their axes at a wall that nearly decapitated a being's head. Some of the civilians cheered, thinking we were bold to topple down two guards, and Anakin then walked towards an Ithorian bartender. "The fugitives are already gone." He reported as he knew who we were.

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