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Adira's POV

We were flying over the city of Cato Neimoidia, my planet that I was raised on. The Separatist had launched an invasion over the planet to gain control over it, but not without the Republic stepping in to stop the invasion. I was in the air in my starfighter, besides Ahsoka and Anakin. We were close to bringing the rest of the Republic gunships to enter the enter when a few enemy vulture droids delayed it. "Ahsoka, punch a hole for the gunships to get through." Anakin instructed as Ahsoka and I heard him through our comms. "I know the drill master." Ahsoka replied before an enemy gunship launched missiles at us. "Look out, incoming missiles." I said as Ahsoka and I dove out of the way. "Not a problem." Anakin replied as he fired at the missiles, only to reveal a few buzz droids landing on his starfighter. "Uhh, slight problem. Ahsoka, Adira, I've got buzz droids. How bad did you two get hit?" He asks us. "I'm all clear." Ahsoka says. "Same here." I said. "What? You always have it easy Adira, Snips." Anakin pointed out as I saw him move his starfighter in a circle, while R2 took out the droids on the top of the ship.

"Good job Artoo." Anakin said as his droid beeped back in thanks. "Someday these droids will learn they keep messing with the wrong Jedi." He continued as Ahsoka and I then flew besides him to see there were no more buzz droids on his ship. "Looks like you're clear." Ahsoka stated. "Just keep watching and learning Padawan." He replied before I saw smoke trail from his engines. "Uh oh." He said. "You're trailing smoke, what's wrong?" I asked. "Oh, nothing serious. Just a slight malfunction..Ugh!" He said before I saw his ship shake, and his comm went off. "Master? Master come in!" Ahsoka said as she tried to bring back her master, but no response came. "Artoo, what's going on over there?" I asked. R2 then beeped in a worried pace, and then looked at his pilot. "Unconscious? Fly back to the cruiser." I said, before R2 objected. "What do you mean there's something wrong with the engines? Tip your wing, I'll see how bad it is." Ahsoka said as R2 did so, revealing a load of buzz droids underneath Anakin's ship. "Oh, thats not good." I heard her say. "What's the plan now?" I asked. "Let's just say now would be a good time to land." She replied as I saw her look at a small landing platform.

"Artoo, can you land that ship on the cliff edge?" Ahsoka asked as R2 then beeped in rejection. "I don't care if the landing zone is too short, get that ship on the ground." Ahsoka instructed as I saw R2 trying to bring the ship closer to the edge. "R7, take over the ship. I'm going after Anakin." She said to her droid as she then opened the top. "Same here R1." I agreed before my droid beeped in confusion. "Well, someone has to save his skin." I replied as we both then leaped on Anakin's ship, opening the top as we then dropped to the ground. We took a roll as I then saw Anakin's ship go down, with R2 still attached to it. "R2!" Ahsoka yelled out before said droid then floated up to meet our gaze with his boosters. "Ugh, very funny R2." I replied before we both then turned around to face Anakin. "Are you okay master?" Ahsoka asks as Anakin then leans up, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, what'd I miss?" He asked. "Oh, not much." I replied with a shrug. "Wait a minute. Wasn't I flying? Where's my fighter? How did I get here?" He asked after looking around.

"Fighter crashed , we saved the day. You're welcome." Ahsoka replied as we both then got back up, and looked over to the city. "Huh, all right." Anakin said as he pushed himself up. "Captain Rex, Captain Miles, Ahsoka, Anakin, and I need a little help." I said into my comm. "Right away sir." The two captains replied, before the the holo changed to Master Yoda's figure. "Master Yoda." I said. "Return to the Jedi Temple quickly, you should, you, General Skywalker and his Padawan." Master Yoda stated. "We're kind of busy Master Yoda." Anakin responded. "The reason we need you, important it is Skywalker. Bombed the Temple hanger, someone has. Your assistance to find the terrorist, we need." Master Yoda pointed out as the holo changed to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, having smoke come out from the hanger. "Who could successfully bomb the Jedi Temple?" Ahsoka asks. "We'll be right there Master." I replied as I deactivated the comm, right as our gunship landed down on our position, taking us back to Coruscant.

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