Memories Of The Past

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Adira's POV

"Forward!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. We had engaged the droids here on Taris when discovering that they had sided with one of the criminal organizations, and were planning to create a direct dictatorship government on the civilians. But we were nearby the system, and were stopping their attack. I spun around with my lightsabers cutting through the metal of the droids were unlucky to cross my path. With each spin, I repeated another. That was until I saw a flash of a deeper blue cross my vision, and stopped to see Ekita jump onto the head of a small spider droid. Her dark blue diamond-like saber cutting through the head of the droid before she slashed her lightsaber in a circular motion, cutting the droids that began to surround her. She had only been my Padawan for a year, but she was strong within the Force, and the Force had bound us together. But she wasn't the only one I had brought on this mission. Blue blaster fire filled the air behind me, aiming at the droids as they soon fell on the ground without recoil. My men had arrived; the proud Ryloth Company I had led for the past 4 years.

To my right, Commander Miles run against the onslaught of droids and tackled a super battle droid to the ground before Captain Tracker fired at its head. Both had come with me for a long time during the war, and I would make sure they would be with until the end of the war. Then, the rest of my men ran down the slope I had begun down and fired upon the droids, running ahead of me and Ekita. Very few of them used jetpacks against the bigger droids and machinery, but the garrison was known for its best strategic plans and strength that would be combined of the 212th and the 501st. A smile crept on my face as I then lunged forward, connecting the ends of my blades together to form a staff. Hardly, I would train with a double-lightsaber, but I do so at times when it was necessary. I then jumped into the center of a group of droids and used the Force to push the droids back, allowing my men to take them out with ease. Then I deactivated the two, separating them and placing them back on my belt before running forward with only my father's rifle clinging over my shoulder. Jumping, I concentrated on summoning the Force and was able to feel power shift throughout my body, controlling me, yet serving for me as well.

A white light filled around me before fading quickly, revealing my form of a Corellian Sand Panther. Jumping onto the head of a droid, I bit into the hard metal and tore its head off, jumping onto another and repeated the cycle until I realized the droids around me were no more. Only a spider bot remained. It's pulse cannon would take dangerous damage on my men, and I formed into the only form that I knew would be able to take it down without consequences. Jumping off the droid's body, I then formed into my dragon form; a powerful roar emitting from the deep of my throat. My silver and white wings glistened under the sun's glare before I jumped at the bot's face. My fangs dug into its eye before tearing it off, leaving the other two before I moved out of the way to avoid its dangerous cannon. However, as I pulled off the second eye, I noticed the cannon was aiming at my men. In a panic, I rammed against the droid's side and banged it to the ground, but it didn't stop the cannon's fire. The pulse fired at my men, hitting the cliff the majority my men were on, including Miles.

"Get off the cliff!" I yelled at them. They quickly listened and ran off the cliff's edge, but Miles was caught. A droid that was thought to have been defeated rose back up and clung its arms around his neck before bringing to the ground. Though he was able to punch the droid back to the ground, the cliff was falling apart. Once the cliff fell into the chasm below with Miles, I tucked my wings in my sides faster than I had ever done before. He fell backwards, yelling, but I blocked his cries for helping out, focusing on trying to grab him before...Besides me, the rocks and debris poured down into the unknown, but my neck struck out in hopes that I would be able to grab him in time. I just need more time. Please...Please let me get to him. I begged in my mind. He was my friend, my brother in arms along with the rest of my men, I couldn't lose him, not like so many others. But I was very lucky when he stretched his arm out to me, and I realized I was diving faster than I had thought of. In a matter of seconds, he was above my neck, and my wings spread out instantly to stop me from diving at such a quick speed. He was on my neck, and was holding on for dear life. With a quick sigh of relief, I returned my expression with a smirk and flew upwards almost instantly with such speed on my side.

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