Master And Apprentice

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7 Years Later
3rd POV
The sky of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant wasn't as gloomy as it had been in the past. The training grounds were almost clear of any rain that had touched the ground, except the tremors that vibrated the puddles. A reflection of blue and green crashing against one another shimmered in the water's reflection, creating small sparks to flurry away. It was the lightsaber duel that was taking place of both Master and Apprentice, teacher and student. Neither one of them had continued their training for more than three hours, but both still wanted to at least extend their usual time. A passing Master and Apprentice looked at the two stuck in their duel, amused and intrigued by it. The green lightsaber in the Padawan's grip and the blue that was in her Master's. Both learner and teacher watched as Ima-Gun Di and Adria began to ease their match. "Master, who is that?" The Padawan asked, his brown hair tied behind his back. His Master looked back at his fellow Knight and his Apprentice. "That is Master Di with his Padawan; Adira Casteele." He answered. The name of the learner ringed in the young man's mind.

He had heard how she survived the devastation of Cato Neimoidia, and how she was immediately taken into the Jedi Order. He was willing to ask more about her and her past, but his Master was in a rush. "Come now, Anakin. The Council is in dire need of our appearance." Obi Wan reminded. Anakin took one more look at the girl before following after his Master, but he still wanted to know so much more. Meanwhile, Adira and her Mater were already finished with their training for the day, sweat trickling down from their heads. Adira and Ima-Gun then bowed their heads at each other while deactivating their lightsabers. "A job well done. Adira." Ima-Gun complimented. "Your training with a twin lightsaber may help you become swifter and more agile." Adira looked up at him, her eyes glimmering in pride and accomplishment. "Thank you, Master. I cannot wait for that time to begin." She said clearly. He looked at her with a smile on his face. She had grown up quite a bit, yet it felt to him that she was nearing her path of becoming a Jedi Knight. He will preserve that goal for her.

However, his thoughts were interrupted when their comms began to beep uncontrollably, the green light going on and off. "Master Di here." He introduced. "General, we are ready for our departure to Ord Mantell." Keeli reported on the other end. "Understood Captain, we will meet you on the bridge of our ship." Master Di then informed. "Yes, Sir." Keeli said before turning his comm off. Ima-Gun Di then looked back at Adira, whose hands were kept behind her back. "Let's go, my Apprentice. We must make an attempted alliance to allow access throughout the Bright Jewel System." He reminded. "Yes Master, will it just be the garrison accompanying us?" Adira asked. "Due to normal circumstances, we will only be escorted by half of them. Master Windu requires reinforcements above the planet of Yabbin." He explained. "I understand, I will gather the remaining amount of our company along with Striker Company." She then said. Ima-Gun Di nodded. "Yes, I will meet you on the bridge to The Prevailer." He then instructed as Adira walked back inside. But she stopped when he called her. "Adira, be prepared when we dock within the city. The Black Sun hasn't left the system yet." He warned cautiously. "Yes, Master" Adira said before continuing to walk inside. But she wouldn't expect what to come to her.
Some Time Later
The treaty didn't go as planned, however. The Black Sun had ambushed Republic forces in the middle of the peace treaty, which had already been falling apart-in Adira's perspective. The system wasn't even close to forging an alliance with the Jedi Order and arguments had already begun. It was the attack that made things worse. Civilians were ushered to safety and clones were stationed at the mouth of the ship, their General and Commander blocking enemy fire. But the Black Sun was forcing their numbers thin, and was beginning to thin Adira away from the rest. But she wasn't aware of it just yet, the criminals were making sure of that. They were beginning to force her into the open while her Master and forces weren't at the time, yet Ima-Gun Di could easily notice it. "Adira, don't stray too far out!" He yelled over the loud noises of gunfire. But she couldn't hear him when she was distracted too much. She should've listened to him better.

Amidst the fighting and the gunfire that was continuing without ceasing, Adira looked at her right, and she saw him. A stranger dressed in dark, ragged clothes with a cloak covering his head and face. She couldn't see his face, but she knew he saw her. "Adira, we have to go now!" Her Master bellowed over the battle. Trapped as she was, she slowly began to back out of the area, deflecting enemy fire before finding her feet again. Her Master began to run towards her and help, but he stopped when he saw what she saw. The man had come closer, his long cloak almost swallowing him whole. There was something in his hand but it was still hidden. Suddenly he brought both of his hands up, revealing small sparks of lightning to appear. Adira grew uneasy. She hadn't faced Dooku or Grevious for a while, or any Sith for that matter. But she wasn't going to face him alone. Her Master stood besides her with lightsaber in hand, a confident look glowing in his eyes. At least she wasn't alone. But they turned back around to see that the stranger had defeated the remaining enemy forces, the electricity that ran through their bodies proved it.

"Jedi." He hissed beneath gritted teeth. Neither Adira or her Master deactivated their lightsabers, they only glared at the man in front of them. Adira looked at her right, the clones were on the other side of the city still, trying to help the civilians escape. "Master?" She fearfully asked. "Stay close." He said. He could feel and hear the fear within his apprentice's voice. But they had to be strong for now. Without warning, the man lunges towards them, weapon in hand before activating it for it to be revealed as a lightsaber. The deep crimson red saber hummed to the motion as Ima-Gun Di immediately blocked it, Adira staggering back to how fast the stranger was. It had even caused her Master to be thrown off guard. The attacker then pushed back before sliding to the side, eyeing the two as he circled them. "Now what is a Jedi doing here so far from Coruscant?" He asked

Adira and Ima-Gun Di didn't answer. All they knew was that they were facing a Sith Lord, but they only knew at least one; including Grevious. Who was he? "And you are?" Ima-Gun Di questioned. "I am not who you believe I am, Jedi. But you are here to make my day come to a reality." The man snarled with his teeth almost in the shapes of daggers. Adira grew tired of this, she hated puzzles and riddles. "You are wasting our time, Sith." She barked. "Calm down, Adira." Her Master stated. "Adira?" The man asked. "Fine name for a missing girl far from her home planet. Perhaps you can help me." He pointed the blade at the two. "I will not do such a thing and hand her to you, stranger." Ima-Gun Di confidently said. But they had no idea who the man was. "Don't worry, you won't have to." He said before rushing at the older man. Their lightsabers clashed together, red and blue meeting one another before embers began to sputter out of control.

Adira watched her Master face their attacker. They engaged in what seemed like only a moment or so before her Master was swept off of his feet, almost being impaled by the red blade. She interjected and blocked it from reaching her Master's chest, but she found the reason why her Master informed her not to interfere in rough battles. The stranger glared at her, that's when she saw it. His eyes were purely orange and yellow and shinning in hate. He was a Sith, no doubt about it, but he said he wasn't a Sith. She didn't understand, not when she immediately lost the duel and was kicked aside, her lightsaber flinging against the ground. The man looked at her to find her almost unable to stand. "You'll do perfect for my plans." He sneered before Ima-Gun attacker recklessly.

But the stranger was stronger and was already pushing his back against the ground. "You Jedi are nothing but different. Foolish, weak, pathetic! Only a true born of the Force will see the difference, you Jedi, will perish." He warned before punching his own head against the Jedi Master's, knocking him to the floor unconscious. Seeing that he had won and had little time, the stranger then walked to Adira and stopped when his foot almost stepped on her lightsaber. "The time of the Jedi will end." He said before stomping on the lightsaber, breaking the life of a Jedi.

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