Citadel Rescue

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With the prison behind us for now, the rest of us were still high on edge to alert us if there were any droids coming. Once Miles and Rex were checking the surroundings behind us, they then turned to each other before turning to us. "We're clear." Miles said. "What's our next move?" Ahsoka asks as we then turn to her. "We're gonna have to fight our way off this rock." Anakin replied. "Contact the Council, see when they plan to rescue us." Obi Wan instructs. "I'll handle it." Master Piell said as R2 and R1 contacted Master Windu, who's figure appeared in front of Master Piell. "Master Piell, it's good to see you alive my friend." Mace said. "Likewise Master Windu. Our escape route has been compromised, and there are several squads of droids closing in on us." Master Piell informed. "When can we expect your arrival?" Anakin asks as he and I stand besides Master Piell. "Master Plo is already en route." Mace replied as I then saw the hologram of said Jedi Master. "Gunships will arrive to evacuate you and your men. But do not delay, only a small window of opportunity we shall have." Master Yoda stated as the hologram forms into a map.

"Your rendezvous shall be this island." He said. "Understood." Master Piell replied. "May the Force be with you." Mace wishes as the holographs disappear, having us to plan our way to the island.But not long, several shots were heard as I saw Commander Cody fire back. "Incoming!" He said as we then ignited our lightsabers, having our clones to fire back at the incoming commando droids. But before we were able to get closer, I saw Tracker and Fives throw a detonator in front of the droids before running back on the ground as it exploded. Rex and I then helped them up as we turned back to the group. "No doubt theres more on the way." Obi Wan says as we deactivate our lightsabers. "Then let's get going, otherwise we may be finished." I state as we all quickly walk to the rendezvous point, hoping we would arrive on time.


We continued out way to the island when we immediately came to a cliff. Looking down, I turned around to see several droids coming our way, including a few crab droids. "They're boxing us in!" Ahsoka said as the gunfire increased. "Lock in your cables!" I replied as we all did. "R2, R1, we need your droids to hold off the enemy as long as possible." Anakin says as his and my droid chirp in response. "Good, everybody follow me!" Anakin instructs as he, Obi Wan, and I carry a clone or someone else on our backs while we descend back to the ground. "This is sheer madness." Captain Tarkin says as we continue to walk down. "Keep moving!" Obi Wan cheered as we could hear the droids getting closer to the edge. I then saw one of the cables snap, bringing down two clones as they screamed. I wasn't able to save them this time, but all I could do was fade out their screams as they came to a stopping point. I then saw R1 and R2 fly down with their boosters as we all reached the ground floor. I turned to see the droids were now on the very edge of the cliff, and were now firing at us. "Keep moving, keep moving!" Anakin directs as we all then jump down a hole and ran from the droids.

Once we were out and away from the droids, we continued on as a patrol passes us by. We then walked on quietly as Obi Wan motioned us to, but it was also followed by Tarkin's voice. "What if your Jedi friends are not there when we arrive?" He asked, as if our rescue wouldn't arrive. "Keep moving and you won't have to worry about that Tarkin!" Master Piell replied in a snapping tone as I saw Ahsoka roll her eyes. "Why did Master Piell have to share half the intel with that guy?" She asks as we got closer to the other and away from Master Piell and Tarkin. "Captain Tarkin believes the Jedi should be..Relieved from the burden of leading the war effort." Anakin replied. "Thats ridiculous." She stated as she shrugged. "Maybe. But we aren't soldiers, we're peacekeepers." Anakin responded. "The Jedi Code often prevents us from going far enough to achieve victory." I finished. "A rather simple point of view." Obi Wan chirped in. "Either way, he is a good Captain." Anakin stated. "True, but I do still believe Rex and Miles are more elite." I pointed out, trying not to sound rude. But then a noise filled the air, and I knew it was the howling of Anoobas. "Did you hear that?" Ahsoka asks. "Yes, we are going to have company." Master Piell replied.

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