Character Introduction

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Name: Adira Casteele

Gender: She/her

Age: 48 BBY (29)

Race: Vahla

Rank: Jedi Knight/Master


- Ima-Gun Di 

- Grand Master Yoda

Weapon(s): Two lightsabers, one with dark blue blade, other with cyan blade. Often carries rifle from her father.


- Compassionate

- Gentle

- Minded

- Wise

- Warm


- Tall and skinny (slightly as tall as Master Shaak Ti)

- Light gray skin

- Piercing blue eyes

- Dark hair that is long and lengthy

- Wears traditional Jedi robes, but switches up with some clone armor


- Born on Cato Neimoidia 

- A sudden droid army attacked her city at the age of 7

- Taken underneath Master Di's wings

- 7 years later, she was taken by Separatists scientists, tested with DNA splices of specific organisms (Loth wolf, Corellian Sand panther, griffin, Vornskr, Arkanian Dragon(small))

- Taught by Master Yoda until she was later knighted

- Leads clone battalion after Master Di's death, renaming it Ryloth Company in honor of the fallen

- Became Jedi Master at a rather young age for her diligent working ethics

- Survived Order 66


Name: Ekita Tasella 

Gender: She/her

Age: 34 BBY (15)

Race: Nautolan

Rank: Padawan/First-Commander


-  Adira Casteele

Weapon: Curved lightsaber with blue blade (lighter than Adira's)


- Confident

- Bold

- Stubborn (more or less than Ahsoka)

- Daring

- Assuring


- Has deep blue skin (lighter shade for her tentacles/montrals) with white dots

- No shorter than Ahsoka's size

- Has a bright smile that remind Adira of Kit Fisto

- Wears similar clothing to her Master with her robes longer in the back


- Born on Glee Anselm 

- Became Commander of Ryloth Company (before Miles is promoted)

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