Gungan Attack

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With our numbers low, we were all forced to go into hiding in the caves. We had very little choice but to contact the Jedi Council, and see if they will be able to send in reinforcements. "We've lost contact with all clone troopers and Mon Cala soldiers. The Quarren ambushed us. They were ready to attack long before the peace talks came to an end." Master Fisto informed to Master Yoda and Mace. "Desperate, the situation is. Reinforce your position, clones, we can--" Master Yoda started before our transmissions started to cut off. "Master, please repeat. Are you sending reinforcements?" I asked before it started to cut off again. "You're breaking up--" Mace responded before communications were cut off for good. "Are they coming?" The prince asked. "I don't know." Fisto replied, sounding uncertain. "But they know our situation. They must know to send help." Ackbar assured. "Yeah, but it may take them a while to get here. We're gonna have to get ourselves to the surface and get off this rock." Anakin reminded. "I will not leave my people to die." The prince objected. "I am sorry. But with all due respect, your highness, if we stay, we all die." I responded as I knew he did not agree to the idea. "We must reach the surface and see if our ship is still there." Padme urged. "The prince will decide our course of action." Ackbar interfered as we looked at him. "I think it is best for us to try and escape using your ship." He replied. "As you wish, your highness. Follow me." Anakin replied as we swam after him, and out of the caves.


I looked up to see the silhouette of our ship, still hovering over the water's surface. But, there were plenty of droids and Quarren to prevent us from reaching it in time. "Thats a lot of enemy troops between us and the surface." Padme stated. "It's no problem. I just hope you're a fast swimmer." Anakin replied with a smirk. "Says the boy from the desert planet." She replied with the same smirk. "Are you certain your ship is still there?" Senator Tills asked. "Theres only one way to find out." I replied before turning back to Master Fisto. "I'll create a diversion so you can get past those patrols." He informed. "All right. Try to get a mini-sub or two." Anakin suggested. "No problem." Fisto replied as he swam up quickly behind a few Quarren guards. I saw him take out the three, and threw down one of the subs down to where we were. "Ahsoka, you're up. Take the prince and Senator Tills." Anakin instructed as she and the prince and Senator grabbed on the sub. "Got it." She replied as the sub started to take them to the surface. I then saw another sub come down our way, and allowed Anakin, Padme, and Captain Ackbar to grab onto it, having me to just hang onto the side. "Theres the ship." I said as we were getting closer to it. "Still in one piece." Anakin added. But just as if karma had struck us, the entire ship blew up in our faces, forcing us to drop back down and avoid the falling debris from the water's surface. I ducked and dove out of the way from the large debris. I heard firing and looked down to see aqua droids hot on our tail. "Well prince, how do you feel about fighting again?" Anakin asked as he and I blocked their fire. "Master Jedi, we're too vulnerable here. We must reach the sea floor." The prince replied as an idea came to mind.

"Grab on to the debris, let it carry you to the bottom." I stated as I grabbed on a heavy part of the ship's engine, and allowed myself to be carried down. "I think I'm getting sea sick." I heard Padme mutter before she and the others grabbed onto the debris. As we fell deeper to the sea floor, Master Fisto and another clone joined us as they grabbed on the metal next to Anakin and I. "Back so soon?" He asked. "Yeah, the ship had some problems." Anakin replied. "I can see that, all around me." Fisto stated with sarcasm. "This is our only chance. We need to split up and hide the prince's whereabouts." Ackbar stated. "I'm not sure thats the best strategy." Anakin objected. "I'm sure. Captain Ackbar's words are my own. It will give us the best chances of surviving if we split up." The prince confirmed. "As you wish. Ahsoka, you and the prince go with Kit and Adira and take the clones. I'll take the senators and Captain Ackbar. Lay low. Our only hope is that Master Yoda can send help in time." Anakin instructed as he swam to Ackbar's side. "No. Prince Lee-Char is our only help." He firmly stated as he swam with Anakin, leaving the four of us to remain on the falling debris. We then let go as the debris fell to the sea floor, and split up.

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