Water War

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Adira's POV

It was an underwater crisis. The peaceful world of Mon Calamari was now in a war against the two races, the Quarren and the Mon Calamari. And with the Mon Calamari king dead, both sides were now at each other's throats if the son of the previous king should lead or not. Anakin, Padme, and I were at the meeting between the two races to hopefully lead to a less violent answer. "I am dedicated to serving the Quarren as well as my own people, the Mon Calamari." The Prince informed calmly before the ambassador swam up to his face. "Silence! You haven't earned the right to speak at this gathering!" The ambassador known as Riff Tamson snapped before Captain Ackbar spoke back to him. "You have no say in the matter, Ambassador! You are only here as an observer for the Separatists." He stated as he pointed at him. Then, the Karkarodon Commander then immediately swam up to the Captain's face, as I saw his teeth tightened. "Do not forget I am here at the request of the Quarren because you, Captain, demanded the presence of the Republic!" Tamson responded before he turned around and swam away from him. "Such a disgrace, I'll give you a lesson in manners!" Ackbar stated before I swam up behind him and placed a stern but gentle hand on his shoulder to prevent further action. I then turned my attention to the Quarren chieftain; Nossor Ri.

"Prince Lee-Char will bring the planet to ruin! The boy has neither the experience nor the knowledge to lead!" He declared as Padme swam down to him. "Please, you're here to find a compromise. What can the Republic do to help keep the peace?" She asked. "This is a matter between the Quarren and the Mon Cala." The chieftain replied, as another Quarren snapped at the Senator. "Yeah, who asked you!" "The Republic has no place here!" "Down with the Republic!" Voices yelled angrily as the three of us shared a look. "We refuse to support the coronation of another Mon Cala King. I am sorry, Ambassador?" Nossor Ri asked as Riff Tamson spoke again. "It is my opinion that the Quarren have no further business here." He exclaimed as he then swam up and out of the gathering, followed by the members of the Quarren. "Come on, Captain Ackbar, we have to contact Master Yoda." Anakin said as the four of us swam upwards towards the waves of the oceanic planet.


We stood in a Republic cruiser, while the holo-projector showed the figures of Masters Yoda and Mace. "This civil war, is it inevitable?" Master Yoda asked. "Sadly so, Master Yoda. The Separatist ambassador came here to stir up the Quarren, and thats exactly what he did." Anakin replied. "It's only a matter of time before the Quarren withdraw from the Republic." I then stated. "I suspect behind this, Count Dooku is." Master Yoda said. "The Mon Calamari system is still part of the Republic. This planet must not fall into Separatist hands. I'll dispatch Master Fisto and your Padawan Tano along with a company of clones, they'll be at your side by day's end. In the meantime, Captain, assemble the Mon Cala troops and prepare for a Quarren assault." Mace informed us as the holo-projector turned off, and we started to prepare for the worst case scenario.


While the Mon Calamari troops were preparing, Prince Lee-Char had called a small meeting to negotiate peace with the Quarren. "In this time of crisis, our king has something to say." The Chairman said as Lee-Char then stood up from the throne. "I know many of you agree with the Quarren, that I am too young to rule. But I assure you I will use all my strength and all my abilities to lead us through this challenge. We are a great people, and I will do all I can to negotiate peace without bloodshed. I do not believe the Quarren will attack." The prince stated firmly. I wished to believe that peace would always solve war and bloodshed, but the moment we heard gunshots and shaking outside of the tower, I knew I was wrong. We looked out to a window to see an invasion of the Quarren, swimming through the city as they attacked with their weapons and speeders. "It's an attack!" Ackbar exclaimed. "Take cover!" Anakin directed as we all swam out of the tower. Whilst the rest of the members would look for an emergency room or even evacuate the city, Anakin, Padme, Captain Ackbar, the prince, and myself swam to a nearby sniper-ranged area, where several troops were firing at the Quarren. "The prince, the prince is here!" One of the troops said. "He's joining the battle!" Another declared as one of them came up to Ackbar. "Captain!" He said as Ackbar turned to the prince. "What are your orders, your highness?" He asked. "Stay where you are and hold the line." The prince replied before Anakin and I turned towards Ackbar. "If I may suggest, Captain, we should take the prince to a safer place until the Republic reinforcements arrive." I suggested.

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