The Box

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Now that Anakin knew or thought Obi Wan was alive, I was getting nervous. Usually I would meditate to calm down, but I was too nervous to even reach out to the Living Force to do so. I decided to walk to the hangers to work on my starfighter. I hadn't worked on it for a while, and wanted to to make a few modifications. As I walked into the hanger filled with Clones and pilots, R1 rolled up to me, beeping happily as I walked towards him with a smile. "Hello R1" I greeted him as I pet his metal head. He then beeped back to me in question. "Got a bit...Nervous about something going on with the Council and a friend, mind if we work on the old ship?" I asked. He beeped excitedly as I then walked up to the ship, and sat underneath it before grabbing a tool to open the bottom of it. I opened the bottom panel to see one of my stabilizers starting to go out, and quickly pulled a few wires out to stop it. "Hey buddy, do you have a spare power converter?" I asked my droid as he handed on. "Thank you." I thanked before placing the new power converter in the thruster, giving it a new upgrade. It would make the ship go faster than before, and have it do so without wasting too much fuel. I then skirted to the wing where parts of the metal started to fall apart, and quickly replaced them with a small bag I brought with myself.

It was full of my dragon scales I had lost over battles, and collected most if I were lucky enough. They were melted down before I came in the hanger, thinking I could place some on the fighter where the metal was falling apart. I placed certain parts of my scales on the wings of my fighter, where they all fit perfectly in specific places. "Hey R1, where's the.." I started before he used his boosters to use his blowtorch to press the scales against the wings. "Thanks." I said happily before gently moving my hand against the beautiful gray, and silver scales on my fighter. It was beautiful. The old dark red color was the only thing to work on, but the silver scales made it glisten as if it were brand new. I then noticed one of my thrusters had fallen off as the other was still attached underneath the tailpipe. I picked it up and realized it was broken and I needed to buy a new one for the ship. "Gotta a new one sometime soon." I muttered to myself before going back under the ship to check for any mistakes I made for fixing my newly upgraded ship. Everything was perfectly back in it's place and renewed after I was done fixing it.

My droid then beeped me in question of how I knew so much of fixing my old starfighters since I hardly used it most of the time. "When I was a little girl before the attack on Cato Neimoidia, my father was the leader of the pilots of our people, while my mother was a ground soldier. My father would often take me to see his fighter and his squad he fought along during the war, and even showed me a few tips on how to fix even. A bit later, Anakin helped me remember all those things my old man taught me, makes me remember him and mom a bit more." I replied.R1 beeped in sadness as he knew what happened on Cato Neimoidia, he was built after what happened when I was still an apprentice. "It's alright, R1. Things just happen automatically. Besides, at least mom and dad are with Master Di now." I replied sadly, yet happy they met each other in the Living Force. My comm then started to go off as I quickly pushed myself back up away from underneath the ship, and answered it. "This is Master Casteele speaking." I said. "Young Casteele, needed you are. My quarters, you must come, speak with Skywalker you and I will." Master Yoda said on the other end. "Yes, Master." I replied before looking at my droid. "Gotta go now, R1. I promise to help with the ship later though." I stated to my droid as he beeped in response. "Yes, I will get a new thruster, don't worry." I reassured to him before walking to my Master's quarters, knowing this part wouldn't be as fun as it is with my droid.


I sat with Master Yoda as Anakin walked through the doors, and I looked away from his upset expression. "You summoned me, Masters?" He asked, as I knew he would call my rank if we were in front of Master Yoda or another Master. "Wrong to deceive you, it was. But much at stake, there is." Master Yoda replied. "So I was right, Obi Wan is still alive!" Anakin stated, showing he was angry in his voice. "Skywalker, powerful Jedi you are. Yet, unpredictable and dangerous you can be to both your friends and enemies. For Obi Wan, on your patience, everything depends." Master Yoda replied. "What if he needs our help?" Anakin asked. "Hmm, if you leave, help him you could. But his future, hmm...Uncertain that is. Trust in Obi Wan we must." Yoda reassured to him as Anakin remained silent. "What is something bad happened and we won't be able to help him then?!" He asked more angrily. "Master Obi Wan is a skillful Jedi Master, Anakin. I am sure he will be able to handle the problem it if the situation escalates." I reassured before he snapped his angry eyes at me. "How he handled the situation when you refused to tell me he was still alive?!" He asked angrily as I backed down a bit. "Anakin..." I started to calm him down. "I thought you were better than that, Adira. How can I even trust you if you don't tell me what's going on even with the Council on your side?!" He nearly asked with a yell.

"Skywalker." Master Yoda firmly said as Anakin calmed down. "Part of this secret mission, Master Casteele was. Instructed to not tell you, she was informed. Blame her for her secret, you should not. Wrong the Council was to lying to you, but another idea to seek this plot, there was not." He said, backing me up as Anakin backed down before exiting the room. "Thank you, Master Yoda. I am sorry to not have informed him later." I apologized. "An apology needed, it is not. Understood the consequences, we both did. Brave, young Skywalker can be, but very dangerous he can become. Watch for him, you must." He instructed to me. "Yes, Master Yoda. I will take your request." I replied before I was dismissed and walked out of his quarters. I looked to see Anakin walking angrily away from the room, and I knew better than to follow him. I then decided to head back to finish the fighter and help R1 with the broken thruster. I then realized I had one in my quarters, and ran quickly to grab it. There were two new ones, but I decided to replace the broken one and use the other if the other thruster broke as well later on. With my new thruster in hand, I then walked to the hanger, wondering how the Naboo festival would turn out to be.

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