From The Start

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3rd Person POV

22 Years Ago

On the streets of Cato Neimoidia, a girl was running with three of her friends. Her dark brown hair brushed against her beautiful blue and gray dress while her blue eyes shone like diamonds in a cave. However, she was not ordinary human being, instead, she was a Vahla. Thousands of years ago, Vahlas anticipated in a cult where it was led by another Vahla known as Vahl, the leader of the cult. The Vahlas were force-sensitive and were sided with the dark side of the Force, thus, led an attack on the Jedi Temple of Coruscant thousands of years ago. However, the attack failed, and the surviving Vahlas were forced to abandon their home world and enter wild space, where the majority continue to look for it. Fortunately, some of the clans refused to follow the cult and begged forgiveness from the Jedi Order, which accepted and allowed them to join the Republic system. It was where Adira's family had begun.

"Come on Adira, we're gonna miss it!" Another female Vahla yelled out, her jet black hair was tied up in braids that laid against her back while her green eyes shimmered at her friend's. Adira ran up to catch her friends, who were faster than herself. "Sorry about that, Starr. Had to help mom with something." She said. A boy walked up to the two, arms crossed with a smirk on his face. His light brown hair was shaved while his clothes were nothing but ordinary civilian clothing. "This is why you are the slowest one out of all of us, Adira." He stated with a funny scoff. Adira's brow raised. "Says the boy who lives with his aunt and sister and always gets picked on." She chirped while Starr laughed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Come on, let's just go. Myra's waiting for us in the fields." He brushed off, walking ahead while Starr and Adira followed after. Tonight was a night the four would gather at the fields of the planet to gaze up at the falling stars that came once a year. The Jedi Order was visiting tomorrow for a meeting with the Prime Minister and leaders of both pilot and ground soldiers, an honor Adira was allowed to be present in. While her father was a pilot Commander, her mother was the Commander of the ground soldiers on Cato Neimoidia. She was allowed to visit the Jedi Order, those who would participate in the meeting, yet she was nervous. She had heard stories of the past that caused Vahlas to be banished from their home after attacking Coruscant, yet she wasn't as focused on it as she was at the time being.

The streets and cities of Cato Neimoidia were busy as usual. People of different species and races wondered through the streets to finish their tasks for the day's end, while other children giggled and ran passed the three. Adira looked up at the sky to hear the faint booming of gunships being launched into orbit on their missions. It had always made her wonder what it was like, flying in the sky without being accompanied by adults. Yet she was still a child, nothing more, nothing less. Her thoughts ran out once she realized Starr and Raigo were already making hence to the open fields, having her to run immediately after them. Another girl was standing under the stars, her beautiful, short red hair shinning like gems before her head spun for her lavender eyes to spot the three other children running towards her. "What took you three so long?" She asked. "Ehh, Adira was doing something with her mother." Raigo said, passing by her before plopping onto the ground. "Calm down, we're here now and that's all that matters, right?" Adira asked with a shrug. "Did you bring it?" Myra asked, looking at her best friend. Adira smiled, quickly running in front of her friends before placing a holo-recorder on the grassy floor, returning to her friends who were already sitting on the floor. Then the stars began, and the recording caught it all on tape.

It was like diamonds falling from the sky that were once held in place without needing assistance. All four went quiet from slight arguments to funny jokes and conversations as her thoughts were replaced by the sight they saw. That's when a twinkle caught Adira's eye. She turned her head to see a star falling through the sky like any normal star. But as the star came closer and closer to her sight, she realized it wasn't a star. It was something else, and it was falling fast towards them. "You guys see that?" She asked. The three looked up to follow her gaze. "Yup." Myra said. "We should probably run by now." Adira bluntly said. "Pretty much." Myra replied before the four scattered, sliding down the hill they came up from before the object from the sky made an impact with the ground, sending a loud noise to echo throughout the empty fields. Slowly, the four poked their heads up from the hill to see it was a ship. The metal was burnt to almost nothing but a crisp, and smoke began to emit from the debris and burnt metal. "What is that?" Raigo asked in curiosity. "It's a ship, dummy." Myra stated. "I know it's a ship, air-head, I just wanted to know what's it doing here." He said, walking slowly towards the ship. "Uhh, what are you doing?" Adira asked in suspicion. "Taking a closer look." He replied. "Raigo, don't be stupid for once and think before you act." Starr scorned. "We can't just go and alert the guards, what if someone's in trouble?" He asked, walking closer to the back of the ship. "That's up for the guards to figure out." Myra said. No use.

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