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3rd Person POV

With the events of the Force wielders behind and hidden in the past, Adira continued to form into her dragon form she received during the incident. However, things had changed once the Daughter had given her life to her and Ahsoka. Her once crimson red and white scales were now silver and pure white, revealing a pair of golden eyes instead of gray ones. Her once large pointed and edged wings were only curved back behind her neck as her tail had become an edged spear. Adira was confused on her new appearance of the creature she had gotten during the events of the Fore wielders, but she wanted answers that would help her understand of what happened at the time.One night, she left her quarters on the Temple of Coruscant and walked towards the nearest hanger before forming into her dragon. Her silver scales matched the resemblance of the stars that shone in the night sky, and her eyes were the matching pair of the the full moon in the center of the stars. Silently, she took off into the air as her large wings took her up above of the surface of the planet. Surprised, Adira realized she was able to take herself nearly into space, only stopping once she had left the surface of Coruscant.

Her wings flapped up and down as her head and snout looked around to only see millions of planets as the images of stars and constellations. But as she remained in orbit to be in awe of her surroundings, the voice of the being that saved her life came into her mind. "Jedi Master Adira." Adira turned her head around to only see stars around, but she knew the voice belonged to the Daughter. "Is that you, Daughter?" She asked out loud. "It is, but you do not need to speak, you only need to speak in your mind." The Daughter said. "How is this possible? Are you speaking to me through the Living Force?" Adira asked. "Yes, and no. My spirit remains in both you and your Jedi friend that I had saved after my brother's doing." The Daughter replied. "Your life that you gave to me and Ahsoka, does that explain my new appearance of my dragon?" Adira questioned. "Yes. My brother tempered with the creature form you achieved on our planet, and destroyed it. However, my life gave you back the dragon you lost, changing it as a symbol of me." The Daughter explained. "So that is why I look new. But, where are you now?" Adira said, thinking the Daughter was one of the stars. "I am neither alive nor dead, but I remain inside of you and your friend. I cannot come to you as the Jedi who can through the Force, yet through desperate times I can." She replied.

Adira went quiet for the moment as she could only hear the voice of the Daughter. Then, she spoke again. "But, why have me as a symbol of you, of Balance and Light? Am I to somehow be your next entity of your place?" She asked. "No, it is simply because of what you have lost. Many beings had lost more things that were precious towards them and changed, but you did not. You were torn and lost in the ways of the Force, yet the Force gave you pity and was enraged of what your destiny was becoming." She explained. "But I am still alive, and my destiny is not yet over." Adira pointed out. "You are correct. The Force is unsure of how your future will be played, yet it depends on your reactions to your journey. As the war you fight in continues, your destiny becomes clouded and difficult to seek." The Daughter said. "How will I know what becomes of me in the end? What then?" Adira asked. "I am unsure. Not everything the Forces reveals to you will be fully true, as will the future for the Chosen One." She said. "Anakin won't change, I know that. He's stubborn, arrogant, and violent if need be, but he is my friend. Nothing we do or say will take him away from us." Adira confirmed. "If you believe in that so much, perhaps nothing will change for the Chosen One." The Daughter assumed, her voice growing fainter. "Where are you going?" Adira asked, not wanting her to leave.

"To return of where I belong. My Father and brother are both gone onto their next paths, and I must walk on my own. But here, I leave a warning for you to hear; as the war comes to it's close so will the thing you hold close to your heart." And with that, the Daughter was gone. Confused on what she meant, Adira remained in the middle of orbit before diving down to Coruscant, landing on the platform from where she took off earlier as she looked back up at the sky she was once flying in. She didn't know of what the Force had in store for her in what her future would become, or what it held for the thing she would forever be loyal towards.

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