To Catch A Jedi

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We were back at the Temple after we lost vision of Ahsoka's whereabouts, and Admiral Tarkin was completely confident it was Ahsoka that killed the clones. "After further investigation, there can be little doubt that the clones officers murdered in the escape were killed by none other than Ahsoka Tano herself. She used a Jedi mind trick to convince the clone to open the door and then proceeded to cut him down along with five other clones along the way." Tarkin said in the holo projector. "I do not believe that Ahsoka could have fallen so far." Master Plo said. "The beliefs of the Jedi Council are irrelevant. We deal strictly in facts and evidence, and the evidence points to Padawan Tano being guilty of the attack on the Temple and the murder of the Republic officers. This is sedition." Tarkin continued as the communicator went off. Blah bla blah blah blah I said in my thoughts. He had no idea nor knowledge that Ahsoka would never do such a thing, not even kill the Republic officers. I noticed the members were looking at each other, not knowing what to believe. Was Ahsoka responsible, or was she truly innocent? "Casteele, Skywalker, was there no way to stop your Padawan before she escaped?" Master Mundi asked. "No Master Mundi." I responded. "The Council believes that Ahsoka may be guilty of the crime, still believe they are wrong, do you hmm?" Master Yoda asks.

"I believe she didn't kill the clone troopers or the woman who used the Nano-Droids to blow up the temple. Thats why she's running. To prove her innocence." Anakin replied. "Now she's in the lower depths. With her skills, she will be hard to find." Mace pointed out. "Three teams, we will send; Master Skywalker, Master Casteele, and Master Plo Koon. With clones, you will go." Master Yoda instructed as Plo got out of his chair. "I think it would be best if Skywalker stayed here. Having you involved may actually make things..Worse." Mace objected. "Master Windu, with all due respect, she is my Padawan." Anakin retorted. "The reason for you not to go." Mace continued to argue before Obi Wan intervened. "I think we're being foolish if we take Anakin off this mission. Who knows her better?" Obi Wan asked. "He's emotionally tied to her. Probably too emotional to do what needs to be done." Mace objected. "I'd rather capture Ahsoka and find out the truth than let her run because of a lie." Anakin interrupted. "You must prove to us, that you will stay focused. Can you?" Master Yoda directed. "I've already alerted security on the lower levels to be on the lookout for Ahsoka." Anakin replied. "Go swiftly then, Master Skywalker, and bring back this lost child. Before it is too late." Master Yoda instructed. "Yes master." I responded as the three of us bowed our heads before gathering our men to track Ahsoka down.


We had tracked Ahsoka down on the lower levels of Coruscant. And once we were lowering down, we saw her and someone else. "Shine the light over there!" Anakin directed as the three gunships did so. "Stay where you are!" A clone on the intercom directed, but the two ran on away, and activated a ray shield to prevent me and Anakin from chasing after Ahsoka. But once she turned around, we both caught the glimpse of someone we hadn't seen for a long time; Ventress. "Ventress." I said as the two ran. We both then turned back to the gunships who were still hovering in the air. "Send out the probes! I want then found now!" Anakin directed as probe droids then scattered around the area, searching for the Jedi and the former Sith apprentice.


While Anakin went one way to track Ahsoka and Ventress down, I went the other with Miles and Tracker. We looking around the lower levels to see if anyone had found either of the two. "Keep your eyes and ears opened men, we may be dealing with something serious." I warned them as they continued to look around. I could feel the disbelief in them through the Force, the feeling if Ahsoka was working with Ventress or not, or if she was behind the bombing in the Temple. I then noticed Fox was leading a few men besides us, and I could make out every word he was saying to his men. "Set your weapons to stun, if we can't bring her in, then we will do it by force." He said as he got closer to my group. I heard Tracker mutter something under his breath about Fox, but I ignored it. Tensions between Fox and other clones were rising. Most of the 501st had worked besides Ahsoka for a long time, and this reason for thinking she was actually behind the bombing in the Temple was hurting and confusing most of them.

"Miles." I said softly for him to hear me and not for Fox. Once he came to my side, I made sure my words were clear to him. "If you find Ahsoka anywhere, do not engage a fight with her. Try to box her in a area like Anakin said earlier, and once you time it right, stun her quickly." I instructed as he nodded his head. "General.." Tracker said as he came to my side. "You don't really think Commander Tano was behind everything, right?" He asked. I wasn't how to respond to it. This chase was a way Ahsoka wanted to prove her innocence, yet how she was found in the first place questioned my mind. "I..Don't exactly know if she is guilty or not. But I know she was not guilty of bombing the Temple, she was with me and Anakin on Cato Neimoidia." I replied to him as I saw Fox glare at me before looking away. "It's just..Ugh..It feels so stupid to think she would actually do this. And to make it worse, to have other clones believe she is guilty as well." He continued with a shake of his head. "Not everyone is going to believe her or us Tracker. Sometimes, once people hear something that bad, they just let themselves believe it than want to see if it's true or not." Miles said. "He is right. For example, Fox saw those men cut down with lightsaber cuts on them, yet he had not seen Ahsoka attack them. Therefore, I think he allowed himself to believe Ahsoka actually killed those men, rather see who really did it." I agreed as I then saw Fox go one way with his men.

Tracker then muttered at the commander again as he and his men disappeared. "Careful brother, don't want to make the guard leader angry." Miles warned as Tracker then stopped. "He has a point Tracker. Not everyone is going to listen or believe us all the time." I stated. "But..The way he interacts with other Jedi is like, he doesn't even care they are our superiors!" Tracker objected. "Sometimes, not everyone is going to respect people the same way others do my friend. I do know the Guard doesn't always interact with the Jedi, probably one reason why Fox and the others may be a bit cold to us at times." I pointed out. "Still, he doesn't have the right to immediately say that Commander Tano is behind all of this." Tracker said. "I know Tracker, I know." I replied as we then continued to walk on ahead, trying to find Ahsoka, before someone else finds her before us.


I was searching in the lower levels with Miles and some of my men, followed by a few members of the 112th, Master Plo's men. I then heard some strange noise somewhere ahead of us, sounding as if someone was struggling. I motioned for Miles to make the call for backup, just incase if we had found Ahsoka. "Calling all units. Suspicious activity on level 1315." He said as we continued to advance. I then looked around a crate to see Ahsoka, looking around before being confronted by Commander Wolffe. "No Wolffe, let me explain-" She said before he stunned her unconscious, and she fell to her side. I then ran to her side as Anakin and Master Plo did the same, and as I looked around, my mouth opened in shock. "Explosives." I said quietly as Wolffe then held up a small object containing Nano-Droids. "These are the same type of Nano-Droids that were used to blow up the Jedi Temple." He said. "I don't believe it." Anakin muttered as he then looked back at Ahsoka. I then saw Wolffe instruct a soldier to put binders on Ahsoka's hands, and then pulled her up as we walked back to the ships.

Once we sat her down on the main on, Rex and Wolffe kept their hands on her shoulder as the ships flew back to the Temple. Master Yoda was then called by one of us to report we had found and taken Ahsoka, and were taking her back to the Temple. "Captured, she has been?" He asked in the holo device. "Yes Master Yoda." Plo replied. "Without incident?" Master Yoda asked again. "No. She was subdued by the clones and found in possession of explosive Nano-Droids." I responded as I looked down in defeat. "It still doesn't explain Ventress's involvement. We saw her with Ahsoka. I think there's more going on than we know." Anakin pointed out. "By Ahsoka or against her?" Mace asked. "That remains to be seen." Plo answered. "We're bringing her back to the Temple." I then finished. "Let's just hope we can keep her here." Mace stated as the transmitter cut off, and Anakin and I looked at Ahsoka in disbelief. I knew Ahsoka, she would rather die than betray the Republic. But...Was I right?

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