Chapter 3: Hi, I'm Y/N

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      "Stop screwing with me, guys. You seriously don't remember meeting Yuuma?"

Issei and his two friends, Matsuda and Motohama, were relaxing in one of the academy's many stairwells. Matsuda was a bald-headed pervert who struggling with girls just as much as Issei did. Motohama was an equally offensive pervert, but he had the power to identify a woman's breast, hips, and waists sizes with a glance of his glasses.

"Nah, dude. Name's not ringing any bells," Matsuda answered while resting the back of his head in his hands.

Motohama looked up from the floor. "I'll say it again. You never introduced us to a chick, and it's impossible that you have a girlfriend."

"But that doesn't make any sense," Issei argued as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Her email address is right here...No way. Yumma's contact information is not in my phone."

Suddenly, Issei was brought away from his phone when he felt like someone was looking at him. He looked to the top of the stairs and say her...Rias Gremory. The woman he'd seen yesterday and the one he couldn't get out of his head.

She was also looking down at him with a small smile on her pretty face. From the top hallways, Issei could hear other classmates speak highly of her and fangirl just by seeing her. He also heard his friends talk about her boobs which he was trying not to stare at.

She stepped down the steps, her hand brushing against the railing. As she passed by Issei, she sent him a small smirk and glanced at him with the corner of her eye.

Rias walked down the stairs, happy to have seen Issei again and tease him ever so slightly.

She opened her eyes to see where to head to next, but once she did, she gasped ever so slightly.

Y/N walked up the stairs, his black tie lightly swaying above his buttoned-up white shirt.

He stepped right past Rias without even glancing at her. She, however, turned her head and watched him leave her behind and approach Issei.

She shut her mouth she didn't know was gaping and reached the bottom of the set of stairs.

"Hey, Issei-san," Y/N called out to Issei who was snapped out of his musings when his name was called.

"Oh, hey, Y/N," He said back. "Meet my friends, Matsuda and Motohama."



"Hello," Y/N greeted with a bow. Both Matsuda and Motohama raised an eyebrow and looked at each other. "How are you feeling, Issei-san?"

As soon as Y/N had approached him, he immediately knew something was different about him. His aura had changed into something more familiar.

"Uhh. Fine, I guess. Why are you asking?" Issei asked back.

"Well, I heard you talking about some girl, Yumma, was it?" Y/N answered. He knew very well that Yumma was actually a Fallen Angel, one he had never met before.

"Yeah. I introduced her to these guys but for some reason, they say they don't remember her," Issei stated.

"I'm telling you, I don't know any Yumma," Matsuda reassured, starting to get tired of Issei's constant nagging.

Y//N narrowed his eyes. It seems he and Issei are the only ones who remember her, yet Issei didn't remember her trying to kill him, meaning this 'Yumma' must have wiped the minds of everyone in the school. But what would the Fallen Angel's want with him? His aura seemed normal, but no normal person attracts the attention of both a Fallen Angel and a Devil, speaking of which.

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