Chapter 64: Eternal Damnation

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      Y/N snarled and took a step forward. Suddenly, the ground beneath him illuminated with a red magic circle. Y/N glared back up at him.

"Like I didn't already have a plan for you," Lucifer commented. "Tah tah for now. I'll see you on the other side."

Y/N didn't lose his scowl as Lucifer waved him goodbye. The red magic circle engulfed Y/N until he was gone.

He had vanished without a trace.


      Y/N gasped as his eyes shot open and he jostled awake. The last thing he remembered was arriving at the sight of one of the dimension barriers between Hell and Earth.

The memories of Lucifer and the red magic circle came flooding back to him like a tidal wave.

Y/N took in his surroundings. He was inside of an old brick room with a wooden door that had metal bars for windows. The area was damp and little drops of water fell from the ceiling.

Y/N didn't recognise it at all. He looked down and saw that he was sitting in a chair. There were metal straps around his wrists and ankles that tied him down.

Just as Y/N was about to attempt to break out of the chair, the straps suddenly flung open, realising him. He stared down at his freed wrists in confusion.

He didn't want them to suddenly reattach, so he stood up. He made his way to the door and looked through the metal bars.

He could see a long stretch of corridor. The walls were made out of the same old brick material that he the cell was made out of. There were a couple of small puddles on the floor that were created by the drops of water.

Y/N paid close attention to everything he could. He couldn't see a single person and he couldn't sense a single soul. This was wrong.

Y/N rested his hand on the door to lean in closer to the bars when the door creaked. Y/N stepped back and saw that the door had been opened a little bit.

With the same hand, Y/N pushed open the unlocked cell door. Its creak echoed down the abandoned-looking corridor.

'Okay, this is definitely wrong. Why leave me in a cell if the door's not locked?' He inwardly wondered.

He kept both his eyes peeled as he crept down the hallway. Lined on both of the walls were multiple cell doors just like the one he'd stepped out of.

He looked through the bars as he passed them by. Inside, he saw some chairs like his own, but most of them contained chains that were nailed into the walls. Blood was splattered across the walls.

Y/N was disgusted by what he saw. This whole place was a horror show designed to give people nightmares. He had no choice but to continue on down the never-ending hallway.

He looked through yet another door and stopped in his tracks. Inside one of the cells was a six-winged Angel, chained up to the wall. He was without the top part of his robe and there were carvings in his chest.

Y/N studied him as something about the man reminded him of something. His messy brown hair and strong figure seemed familiar.

His eyes shot open in shock. He didn't just remember the man chained to the wall, he knew him.

"Hadraniel?" Y/N called.

Hadraniel was a six-winged Angel in charge of looking after the gates. Unfortunately, he was killed in battle protected Heaven's gates from Lucifer about three million years ago.

" can't be here," Y/N couldn't believe his eyes. "Hadraniel!"

Y/N shoved open the door to get to him, but to his confusion, when he stepped through the door, he didn't find himself in a dark, damp cell with an Angel.

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