Chapter 52: Akeno Himejima

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      As Y/N entered the academy that morning, he was met by a decorated hall. The walls were coated in red and pink love hearts. There were paper link chains stemming from the ceiling.

Y/N watched as students acted a bit more shyly than usual. Most of them also seemed to be handing around little white envelopes. He wasn't sure what this was all about.

As he marvelled around the place, he failed to notice a meek student with long brown hair, that went over one of her green eyes, timidly get close to him.

"Excuse me, Y/N-san," She quietly said.

Y/N turned around to see the student. She was struggling to make eye contact with him that concerned him a little bit. He recognised her face from class but that was it.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, worried.

She blushed. "Everything's fine... I wanted to give you this."

Y/N looked down and saw that she was handing him one of those white envelopes he'd seen other people holding.

"Oh, what is it?" He was clueless.

She blinked and stared in shock. "You...don't know?"

"I'm...foreign," Yeah, foreign to the world.

"Oh..." She replied. "Well, have a good day."

"Hey, wait a second," He called but she started walking as quickly as she could away from him.

Y/N looked down at the letter. It was sealed by a small love heart. He raised a brow in confusion.

To his side, Issei, who had just arrived, sighed. "I should've have known you'd get love letters."

"'Love letters'? What's that?" He questioned.

"Eh? You've never heard of a love letter before?" Issei queried. "Do you know what day it is today?"

"February 14th?" He responded.

It was more than just a day for Y/N. Although he didn't know what was going here, he had other thoughts on his mind. Today had been the day his good friend Remi had been born. He still felt guilty over what happened with her but at least she had closure.

"Come on, you've never heard of Valentine's day?" Issei questioned.

"Valentine's day? Actually, that does sound familiar," Y/N's mind began to think back.

"It's a day about love and all of that," Issei explained. "Ring any bells."

Y/N remembered something. "Valentine's day. As in St Valentine?"

"Uhhh, I think so," Issei wasn't too sure.

"I remember. The first one was in four hundred and ninety-six. I didn't know people still celebrated it. I don't remember it being like this either," Y/N commented.

"Get with the times, grandpa," Issei scoffed. "Valentine's day is all about people confessing their love with one another!"

Y/N gave him a weird look. "You seem to really enjoy this day," He speculated.

"Duh! Maybe today I met get lucky and get a card of my own," He prayed in delight.

"I thought there was something between you and Asia-san," Y/N told him. "You two live together and you seem to have good chemistry."

"Asia? Yeah, she's cute but a man can never have too many women. I have a desire, and with the power of Ddraig, I shall become a Harem King!"

Issei pumped his fist into the air and declared his wish. Most people who overheard him turned away in disgust.

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