Chapter 62: ...Vs Lucifer

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      "Welcome, to the end of the world."

Lucifer lorded over them like they were ants, insects to be crushed beneath his shoe.

Rias shook lightly. She was staring at Lucifer. He was the first Fallen Angel and the creator of Devils. If he hadn't have done all of those things, then she never would have existed.

"Rias, what is this?" Sona questioned

Rias realised. She hadn't had a chance to tell anyone about Lucifer returning. In truth, she had hoped that it wasn't real.

Rias tried to answer but she felt a sharp pain. She gasped in pain and dropped to her knees.

"Buchou!" Kiba yelled as he and Koneko moved as quickly as they could to her side.

Rias had put a hand over where she felt the pain. She peeled her hand back and saw that it was stained with blood. Her blood. Because of the adrenaline in her system, she hadn't noticed the loose bit of wooden debris cut into her. Now that she wasn't as pumped, the pain came back to her.

Sona watched her friend fall with a scowl. Rias, her Knight, and her Rook weren't in the right state, mentally and physically, to fight right now. The Red Dragon Emperor had used his power to protect Rias' two Bishops and now he was down too. Sona was going to be on her own for a bit.

"Buchou," Tsubaki interrupted Sona's musings. "I have contacted the Arch Duke. The reinforcements are on their way but it is going to take up to an hour."

"Damn, just like last time," Sona referred to the reinforcements that had been requested for their fight against Kokabiel. Thanks to Y/N, the threat was taken care off before they even arrived.

What Sona didn't know was that Y/N was back in Kuoh. Because she still thought he was missing, or dead, she didn't consider calling him.

"I won't ask again. Identify yourself," Sona ordered. Tsubaki floated next to her.

Lucifer faked being offended. "Now that just hurts. Don't tell me you don't recognise your own creator when he's right in front of you?"

"'Creator'?" Sona echoed. "What does that mean?"

"Oh, Miss Sitri, I'm disappointed in you," He revealed that he knew her name. "I heard you were such a bright young girl."

Sona looked away from the maniac and to Rias. "Who is this?"

Through the pain, Rias looked up at her friend. "It's L...Lu..." She couldn't speak properly.

Suddenly, a hand wrapped itself around Sona's throat and the red-haired stranger forced her to look at him. He'd he appeared right in front of her.

"I'll make it quick. The name's Lucifer," His blue eyes flashed a shade of red. "I'm the real deal."

Sona stared in disbelief. She didn't care that his hand was around her throat as his words carried more shock.

"Buchou!" Tsubaki yelled as she attempted to save her.

Lucifer extended his arm. A red magic circle appeared on his palm. A blast of Hell-Fire shot out of his hand and launched Tsubaki away.

"Tsubaki!" Sona yelled as she watched her right-hand woman get sent away.

Lucifer glanced back to her with a smirk but Sona had already summoned a blue magic circle on her hand. It was pointed at his gut.

A wave of blue water shot into Lucifer, sending him back.

"Oof!" He grunted as was taken back.

Sona looked down at Rias. Judging by the look on the redhead's face, she could confirm that this man was telling the truth. He really was Lucifer. But he should be dead, at least that's what they were told.

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