Chapter 13: This Sucks

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      "This sucks!"

Y/N rolled his eyes for the third time today. If Issei says 'This sucks' again then he was going to blast him to kingdom come.

The entire ORC were on a trip up a very large hill and Y/N had no idea what their destination was.

Y/N and Issei reached a long stretch of path. At the end of the path, the two could see Rias waving to them. Asia was meekly standing by her side and Akeno was sipping from a water fountain.

They weren't in their school uniform anymore. Rias was wearing a pink top with a beige short sleeved jacket over it. She had brown shorts on too. Akeno was dressed more formal than Rias was. She had blue shorts on but a white buttoned-up shirt, a pink tie and a thin beige blazer. Asia wore a cute pink dress and beige shorts.

"Come on!" Rias called out to them.

Y/N resisted the urge to glare at the redhead. He, Issei, Kiba, and Koneko had been put on bag duty. If Rias made another off-hand comment about hurrying up, then she can meet Issei in Valhalla too.

The bags themselves weren't too heavy, not really. Issei was sweating pretty badly. Issei wore blue pants and a blue top with a light green jacket. Y/N was still in his normal clothes, tie and jacket included.

Kiba walked up to them. He wore a plaid shirt and grey jeans. He also had a bag on his back which was about the same size as Y/N's was. Issei's was smaller than theirs.

"I'm going on ahead. Are you two coming with?" He politely smiled.

"I'm sticking with him so he doesn't try to ditch us or something," Y/N answered and ignored Issei's offended look.

"Alright," Kiba nodded before effortlessly walking on ahead.

"Damn you for showing off how easy you have it!" Issei yelled at Kiba who kept on walking.

Suddenly, a sight made both Y/N's and Issei's eyes pop out of their skulls. Koneko walked past the two with a bag that could fit about fifty Koneko's inside it.

The sight caused Issei to lose his footing, and with the added weight on his back, he stumbled and fell to the ground, but he never actually hit it.

Luckily for him, Y/N could still use his powers, and so he didn't struggle to stop Issei from hitting the ground. Y/N slowly lifted Issei upright where the Devil planted his feet on the ground again.

"Thanks," Issei said.

"You can thank me by carrying on walking," Y/N replied as they started walking again.

However, after a few seconds, Issei said, "Man. This sucks."


A blue aura surrounded Y/N and his fists clenched.



Y/N glared hard at Riser. His rage had been piling on ever since he'd started caressing Rias, but after he'd had Issei attacked, he was beyond livid

"Y-Y/N," Rias struggled to say through her fear.

"Finally," Riser chuckled. "Someone with some balls."

However, Y/N didn't reply but instead punched him straight in the gut. Gasps were heard all around but Y/N didn't stop. With Riser leaned forward, Y/N got a wicked hook to the side of his face.

"Riser-sama!" Yubelluna called out.

She went to help him, but something large and white got in her way. She adjusted her eyes and saw that it was a large white wing covered in equally white feathers.

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