Chapter 20: The Odd Couple

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Y/N awoke that morning with his face pressed up against two very large and very firm breasts. It was quite the confusing sight but not an unwelcome one.

Y/N craned his neck up to see what was going on and he quickly saw the sleeping face of one Rias Gremory. She had her arms loosely wrapped around him like he was a pillow.

He could feel that the arm closest to her was sandwiched between her thighs. This whole experience was one big 'YES' moment, but he didn't have a clear idea on what was going on.

Suddenly, Y/N felt Rias stir. Her eyes slowly blinked open and the first thing she saw was a mop of messy hair in front of her. The second thing she noticed was a warmth that she was currently hugging. She looked down and smiled.

"Good morning, Y/N," She greeted.

"Umm, Good morning," He awkwardly replied. "You'll have to excuse me, but could you tell me what's going on here exactly?"

Rias moved one of her hands up and she laced her fingers in his (H/C) locks. She gently swirled his hair around in her fingers.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. But you had already gone to sleep so I decided to use you as a body pillow. I hope you don't mind," She replied.

"Well, no I don't mind," Y/N responded.

He noted how she was laying completely naked next to him. If some old fashioned Devils found out about this, he would be in some deep trouble.

Unexpectedly, Rias shifted around and Y/N found her laying above him. She had also dragged the duvet up with her so if anyone were to walk in, they could easily mistake the current situation for something else.

"You know, we've still got a little bit of time to ourselves," She informed him. "We could use that time to get to know each other a bit better, after all, we are living together now."

Rias moved the hair of his forehead so she could kiss it. Y/N felt a hearty blush creep up onto his face.

"You're naked," He stated.

"Yes, I can't sleep with clothes on, it's uncomfortable," She replied before she kissed the tip of his nose.

Y/N no clue what to say. Rias was acting different but he loved it. Her actions and words reminded him of Akeno but it was somehow so Rias.

"If you want Y/N, today, you can do whatever you want to me," She told him.

Y/N's eyes shot open. "W-what?"

Rias smiled down at him. Her smile wasn't seductive, it was somehow innocent. "I'll do whatever you want me to do."

Y/N was in disbelief. Rias Gremory was offering her body to him. She said he could do whatever he wanted to her? Was this a dream? This has to be a dream, right?"

Rias's smile was replaced by an 'o' expression when Y/N gently placed his hand upon her cheek. Even after they'd kissed, held each other, and now she was in bed naked with him, his touch always made her blush. His warm skin felt so nice on her cheek.

"Whatever I want?" He asked, wanting to truly confirm her words.

Rias' smile lost that innocence. She placed her hand on his chest. "Whatever you want," She confirmed.

With his hand on her cheek, Y/N slowly pulled Rias down without being forceful. As the two got closer, they shut their eyes. They could feel each other's warm breath on their faces.

However, seconds before their lips met for the second time, Rias shot up in bed. She was resting her body on her hands and knees and if any man were to see her from behind, it would even make the Devil blush. But the face she was making was too adorable to be seen as sexual. But her expression showed they she remembered something.

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