Chapter 10: Training Day

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      Y/N slept soundly in his bed. It wasn't the definition of comfort, but it was still pretty relaxing.

It had been a couple of days since Asia had been reincarnated as a Devil and Raynare and her group had been killed. However, through all the excitement, the Rogue Exorcist Freed managed to slip away after regaining consciousness.

Since Y/N had been the one to kill the Fallen Angels and defeat a hundred-odd Rogue Exorcists, he planned on taking life easy for a while...or he had planned too.

In his sleep, he felt like he heard the faint sound of footsteps followed by a familiar yet dangerous aura. He had intended to ignore it and also ignore the rest of the world until he got his well-deserved rest, but after he felt a hand graze over his shoulder, his warrior instincts kicked him.

In a show of incredible speed, he grabbed the owners hand and shot out of bed. He twisted that person hand behind their back until they submitted to his lock.

His glare echoed in the dark space. His eyes trying to find out who this person or supernatural creature was.

Suddenly, it all came rushing at him at once. The aura, the presence, and the now distinguishable hair. There was no doubt it was her.

He held their arm in his grasp as a security measure on the off chance he was wrong about this. He switched on the lamp next on his bedside table and saw who it was.

"Miss Gremory!?"

Rias grimaced uncomfortably in his tight grasp. He was being rougher than she expected, but she did just teleport into his house and wake him, although, she hadn't anticipated him waking him up until she woke him up herself.

Y/N let go of her arm and made sure he hadn't hurt her too badly. "Miss Gremory, are you alright?"

Rias rubbed at her wrist and faced him. "Surprised more than anything else," She answered.

Y/N sighed in relief. "Well, that's good."

Everything was alright then. Wait! No, it wasn't! Why is she here at...four-thirty!?

"It's a bit early for school, isn't it?" He questioned, rubbing a hand down his face and blinked a couple of times to relieve himself of his blurry vision.

"I'm not here to wake you for school, Y/N," She admitted, vaguely.

"Then...why are you here?" He inquired.

"Training," She said while crossing her arms over her chest.

'Training? What does she mean by that?' He inwardly asked. He'd started to learn that Rias could be quite vague at times.

"Training?" Y/N shook his head in confusion. "You'll have to be more precise."

"I asking my first request of you," She stated. "Assist me in training Issei."

Y/N narrowed his eyes. He hadn't expected her to ask things of him already, nor had he suspected that she would ask something like this.

Now that he observed her, he could see that she wasn't in her uniform like usual, instead, she wore a white and dark blue tracksuit. Her red hair was still like it always was and she looked pretty refreshed despite the fact that it was four-thirty in the morning.

"And why do you need my help with that?" He questioned.

"I don't," Her answer surprised him.

Why would she ask him for his help if she didn't need it? That doesn't make any sense.

"Then, why..." Y/N wasn't sure where to go from here.

"Simple, I want to test you too," She answered with that signature Rias blank stare.

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