Chapter 28: A Date With Miss Gremory

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      "Suddenly, Y/N whirled around way too quickly. "Miss Gremory, please go out with me."


"W-what?" Rias was in utter disbelief over his words.

"I asked you to go out with me," He repeated.

"I know that!" She yelled. "But...why?" A blush crept up onto her face and her heart started doing backflips again.

"Because before she was taken, Remi told me something. She said to not waste time and follow my heart. Miss Gremory, my heart is telling me that it wants you."

This was all so sudden for Rias, but she felt a wave of happiness unlike ever before. It felt like a dream. It had to be one.

"What do you say? Will you go out with me?"

Y/N expected rejection, but he blinked in surprise when he saw the tears forming in her eyes and the bright smile on her face.



Rias stared off into space. She sat at her desk, her elbows resting on the wood and her chin was resting on her fingers. Her mind was preoccupied with the events of this morning.

He had finally asked her out. It had been sudden but she was relieved that he had done it. She was starting to think that she was going to have to tell him her feelings first but she was glad he had done it before her. She wanted to know his feelings first so she could avoid a painful rejection.

After he had asked her out, they had got changed and headed off to the academy. Before they parted ways, he said that he would tell her later what his plan was.

She was painstakingly excited. Her stomach had been full of fluttering butterflies all morning. Just sitting down and thinking about it made her ecstatic.

"Ara ara, Rias. You seem to be in a good mood today," Akeno commented from her King's side.

Rias cleared her throat and attempted to act normal. "I don't know what you mean, Akeno."

Akeno smirked. "Rias, you're blushing."

At this point, Rias suddenly felt the warm feeling on her cheeks. "No, I am not, Akeno. Stop arguing with your King."

"I don't know what you mean, Rias. Could it be that you're in such a good mood because of Y/N?" The Queen suggested.

"W-what, no," Rias sputtered. "There's no reason for you to think such a thing."

At her stuttering, Akeno's teasing side took over. "Ara ara. What did Y/N do that's got you so excited, I wonder? Did you two finally 'do it'?"

Rias stared in shock. "Akeno!"

The black-haired beauty ignored her and tapped a finger to her chin. "I didn't know he could be so daring, or you for that matter."

"We did not 'do it', he only asked me out!"

Rias eyes shot open in fear. Akeno stopped talking and stared down at Rias. She wasn't sure why Rias was being so defensive but she knew it had to involve Y/N. If they had had sex, then it could explain why Rias was blushing, but she didn't expect that.

"Asked you out? On a date?" Akeno questioned.

Rias was an embarrassing mess. "Y-yes, okay. He asked me out this morning."

Akeno's smile faltered slightly. Rias was too flustered to notice. The Queen put her arms at her side.

"Where does he plan on taking you?" She asked.

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