Chapter 26: Two Angels In Kuoh Part 1

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      The morning light shone through the blinds in Y/N and Rias' shared apartment. Rias was sound asleep in their black and red bed. Her red hair had sprawled out across the bed and she wasn't wearing any clothes as per usual.

She had slowly started waking up as the light hit her, but she wasn't the only one. Rias felt something tighten around her and something push itself into the her back.

Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to her surroundings. She was facing the wall like she had been doing for the last couple of nights but something felt different. Rias realised that the new feeling was coming from her waist.

The Devil daughter peered down and saw two strong arms locked around her waist. She followed the arms and she could just about see Y/N's sleeping face embedded in her hair.

She blushed violently. He was currently spooning her. He must have done it in his sleep because she didn't remember being like this last night. Usually, Rias was the one to cuddle him, pushing his face into her breasts and putting a hand in his hair.

He was warm all over which made her feel comfortable. She felt protected in his arms even though he was asleep. She relaxed into his arms, happy that he was finally going back to normal. The past week had been full of emotions including, anger, annoyance, regret, and guilt. She hadn't been this close to him for a while so she was glad that that was all over now.

Rias faintly heard Y/N starting to stir in his sleep. She felt his breath touch the back of her neck and his arms shifted slightly but he held onto her.

Y/N's eyes blinked open and the first thing he saw was a lot of red hair. He could feel something warm enfolded in his arms. He knew he was lying on the bed so he suspected what he was holding.

He lifted his head and saw that Rias was laying in his arms. He was surprised to see that, instead of her holding him, he was holding her. It wasn't as sexual as her holding was, this was a bit more romantic.

Rias planned to pretend to go back to sleep but her plan was ruined when he got closer and rested his head next to her neck.

"Good morning," His breath tickled her skin.

"Morning," She replied, rolling slightly so they could look at each other.

To Y/N, there was something intimate about seeing Rias naked with messy hair. To Rias, she enjoyed seeing Y/N so trusting with her. The feeling of him holding her was blissful.

Rias turned around completely so her bare breasts were pushed up against him. She then realised that he also wasn't wearing a shirt but she could feel the fabric of his pants. Unlike three nights ago when she had put her unclothed breasts up against him in the shower, this was different because he wasn't walking away.

He tightened the hold around her waist, pulling her even further into him. She was a bit lower than him so he had to look down slightly. Rias rested a hand on his cheek. It was something she'd grown to enjoy.

"You know, we've got some time to ourselves before classes this morning," She reminded, tracing a finger around on his chest that wasn't covered by her boobs. "We could spend it doing something special."

He smirked at her offer. "Is that a request?" He joked, referring to their partnership deal.

"As my consultant, you're obligated to agree," She kept the entertaining atmosphere up.

"Yes, Ma'am."

Y/N leaned down while Rias lifted herself up a bit. Their eyes shut and their lips puckered. They were going to kiss again. Every time they did, it was like cutting a little slice of Heaven for themselves.

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