Chapter 23: The Humanizer Part 3

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      'Stupid, stupid, stupid,'

Y/N berated himself inwardly over the events that occurred last night. All he wanted to do was thank Remi for her help over a nice dinner but instead, she had seen his wings and had run away as fast as she could.

After he slipped the rest of his clothes on, he tried knocking on her door and asking her to come out. He received no answer so he went back to his apartment and quickly pulled the, now, burnt food out of the oven.

He had only walked to the academy once with Remi but it somehow felt so different walking on his own. He didn't even put his earphones in because he wanted to be in silence. He blocked out the rest of the Humans that strolled past.

Y/N hated what had happened. Humans have been questioning whether or not Angels and Devils are real while one has been under their noses the entire time and the others have been watching from above. No-one had any proof that they even existed and he had gone and revealed his wings to an innocent Human.

He felt like an idiot, no, he was an idiot. He could have endured the itchiness if he had tried but he couldn't resist and now its quite possibly cost him his secret and a good friendship.

He stepped onto the academy grounds that morning. It was the same as it always was, but Y/N's aura was different to anyone that could see it.

To his side, he heard the quick sounds of footsteps. There were multiple ones so it also sounded like a stampede.

He saw that it was the Running Club, the same club Remi had previously told him she was a part of. He monitored the people he could see until he saw a familiar figure with long brown hair.

Remi ran while using the breathing techniques she had been taught - two steps inhale, two steps exhale, and repeated. After last nights events, Remi's mind felt like it had been thrown into a blender.

She still struggled to believe that she had seen two white wings sprouting out of someone's back. She'd ran back to her apartment, locked the front door, sprinted to her bedroom, and locked that door too. She was utterly terrified. It wasn't like he was drenched in blood but the sight of real-life wings coming out of anyone's back was shocking enough.

Remi felt like someone was staring at her. That wasn't completely new because ever since she had come here, she and her friends had noticed that some of the guys had been giving her looks. She had been flattered at first but now it was starting to get disturbing.

However, when she tried to find the culprit, her eyes found that same guy who had grown Angel wings. Y/N looked up at her with concerned yet hurt eyes.

Her breath hitched and she spun away as quick as she could. Even seeing him felt like too much for her. She would give anything to forget what she saw.

Y/N wasn't a bad guy, she knew that. Every time they had met he had always been so gentle and kind. When he had told her about how he was confused regarding his feelings with Rias, she could tell he was being truthful.

'Wait, Rias! My God is she an Angel too!? DOES THAT MEAN GOD'S REAL TOO!?' She worried.

"Hey, Remi?" One of the girls next to her said in between her breaths. "Are you alright. You look out of it."

Remi managed to suppress her fears and send a nice smile to her friend. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a little tired I guess."

That was true. After last night she hardly got a wink of sleep. She was up all night questioning existence and what the hell was real anymore. Seeing Y/N's wings almost gave her an existential crisis.

Y/N watched her turn her head and run away. 'She's terrified of me. Are all Humans this scared of the supernatural?'

Unbeknownst to him, Rias, with Akeno at her side, had left the Occult Research Club building and they were heading to the main entrance so she could attend her classes.

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