Chapter 50: Bundle of Joy Part 2

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      Rias groaned as the sunlight hit her eyes. She was exhausted after yesterdays events. The Archangel Gabriel had just dumped an Angel baby on them and told them to look after her for two days.

The first day had been long and stressful for Rias. She was used to dealing with people who recently acquired their powers because she reincarnated people into Devils, but they were at an age where they could form full sentences, not babble.

Rias reached out to touch Joy the Angel, but instead of her hand landing on the baby, she hit the bed instead.

It took Rias a second to realise what just happened. Like a worried mother, Rias shot up and was terrified to see that Joy was missing. She instantly scanned around the room, making sure to check the ceiling for a floating kid. The window was shut so there was no chance she flew outside.

Rias shot out of bed. For the first time in a long time, she wore clothes to bed. It was a thin red nightgown that covered her well.

She rushed to the bedroom door so she could wake Y/N up on the couch. However, when she opened the door, the first thing she saw were her two Angels sitting on the couch, alive and awake.

Both of them were enthralled in whatever was on the television. Y/N had even gotten dressed, meaning he must have snuck into the room to get some clothes while she was sleeping.

A red tick mark appeared on Rias' forehead. She was about to send a search party to find Joy when the Angel was on the couch the entire time.

"Y/N..." Rias said.

Y/N glanced away from the TV to see Rias. "Hey Rias," He greeted before he went back to the television.

He'd made sure to put on a cartoon for Joy instead of the normal stuff he watched, however, he was just as interested in the show as Joy watched. Both of them tilted their heads at the same time, reminding Rias of him and Gabriel.

Rias was going to confiscate that TV one day.

Rias made her way to the couch and Y/N thought nothing of it, but then she tightly pulled on his ear and dragged him off the comfortable couch he'd slept on last night.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow," He repeated until she let go of his ear in the kitchen. He rubbed at his red skin. "What was that for?"

"Did you wake up Joy this morning?" Rias questioned with a glare.

"What? No. Joy woke up this morning and stumbled into the living room," He replied, truthfully.

"Then why didn't you send her back to bed?" She asked.

"Because she probably wasn't going to sleep anyway, not to mention it was around seven anyway," He was still rubbing at his ear.

"Then why didn't you wake me up?" She inquired.

"You were stressed out yesterday, I wanted you to get as much sleep as possible," He informed.

Rias started to lose her anger as guilt took over. Y/N hadn't actually done anything wrong. She did feel a bit better thanks to the sleep she got. If Y/N hadn't had been here this morning then anything could have happened to Joy.

"I'm sorry," She whispered, embarrassed that she had misread everything.

"I'll accept your apology when my ear stops ringing," He shot back. He then noticed the red clothes she was wearing. Something about it was a bit sexual. "What's with the dressing gown?"

"It's a nightgown," She corrected. "I didn't want to sleep naked with a baby. I'm not her real mother."

Y/N admired the clothing a little longer. "It looks good on you."

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