Chapter 31: Exorcists and Angels

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      It had reached late in the afternoon. An orange glow went over the sky. Sitting amid a forest was the old Victorian building that acted as the Occult Research Clubs base.

Recently, the entire building had been cleaned on the inside. The floors were so clean they actually shined. The door handles were also freshly polished. All in all, it looked brand new.

Inside of the homeroom was Rias, Koneko, Issei, Asia, and Y/N. Instead of being behind her desk, Rias was seated on one of the couches. Koneko sat on the couch opposite while licking at a lollipop. Y/N was sitting opposite Rias on the other end of Koneko's couch. Issei and Asia stood next to Rias.

Y/N had been out of it all day. His mind had been preoccupied with the events of last night. After they'd defeated yet another Rogue Devil, Y/N had followed Kiba, who had been acting strange all day, and they had encountered Freed Sellzan again.

Y/N wouldn't have cared less about the pathetic Human had he not been carrying around a Holy Sword. Y/N had taken it from him and hid it in his home.

'Freed has to be working for someone. There's no way he would just stumble across a Holy Sword like that, and that random call. He has to be working for someone, I know it,' Y/N went over in his head.

Rias smiled at the people in the room. "Now that the building's spotless, we can start anew."

Issei quickly glanced around the room. "Wait, where's Kiba?"

Koneko perked up a little. "Yuuto-senpai was absent from school," She went back to her lollipop.

"He was?" Asia asked.

Issei looked down at his Master. "Buchou, does this have something to do with Kiba's attitude yesterday?"

Rias refused to meet Issei's eyes, but she was able to look up at Y/N's. The Angel stared back at her. Without words, he told her that it's her choice to tell them.

"Last night, Y/N followed Kiba and came across a Rogue Devil armed with a Holy Sword," Rias began.

"Freed Sellzan," Y/N interrupted, looking up at Issei.

The Boosted Gear holder sighed. "That jerk again?"

Rias continued. "A Holy Sword is very dangerous for us Devils. Merely touching the blade can burn us and a single slash from one could completely obliterate us."

"That's a pretty fearsome weapon," Issei commented.

"They were supposed to be lost," Y/N interjected. "The Angels have a couple themselves but we didn't create them. Those who reached the territory of the creator were able to craft them using magic."

"However, it's also true that only a select few can use them. That's why the church attempted to artificially create beings that could use Excalibur, a Holy Sword. It was called...the Holy Sword Experiment," Rias informed.

This was new information for Issei, Asia, and Y/N. He hadn't heard of something like this happening before. Had he really missed something like that?

"I never heard of anything like that when I was part of the church," Asia stated.

"That's not surprising," Rias replied. "It happened a while ago. I've been told that it was a complete failure. one of the survivors."

Issei and Asia gasped while Y/N sighed. He had been expected something like this. It would explain his spiteful reaction to the Holy Sword and his attitude change. That sword made him go from the nice guy they were used to into a hateful person.

"Unfortunately, Kiba wasn't the only one to have been conditioned to be compatible with Excalibur. There were many more children as well," Rias revealed.

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