Chapter 35: Kokabiel Part 2

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      Suddenly, a white blur crashed right into the ground. The power behind it shook the trees and forced the ORC to protect themselves.

Kokabiel stared in happiness. "Finally..."

The Devils and Xenovia and stared at whatever had just arrived. There was a dust cloud surrounding it, however, a strong blue light was released inside of the dust cloud, showing a person with two wings.

Rias sighed in relief. With him here, they had more than a fighting chance.

Y/N's wings threw themselves to the side, throwing the dust away and revealing him. He still had a hole in his shirt but he didn't care.

He stepped out of the small crater and walked towards the floating, insane Fallen Angel.

The battle between a Pure Angel and a Fallen Angel had just begun.


Y/N's eyes burned with blue Angelic light. His wings were spread wide and he didn't stop for anything. He didn't even bother to check on the state of everyone else as he was solely focused on Kokabiel.

The Fallen Angel smiled down at him. "It has been so long, Y/N. I would be lying if I said I haven't missed you."

Y/N said nothing as he carried on walking. His glare was strong enough burn holes in Kokabiel's skull.

"Ah, but then again, I still have your screams to reminisce in," He added.

The ORC and Xenovia glanced over at Y/N in confusion. It was obvious now that they knew each other, but there was something else that they were missing.

"And as soon as I'm done with you, I'll make sure I hear everyone's else screams too-"

Kokabiel was cut off when Y/N suddenly flew at him and wrapped his hand around his throat like he had done to Xenovia. He flew forward, shoving Kokabiel through his throne that fell to the ground in pieces.

Y/N let go of him and proceeded to land punch after punch on his face. Kokabiel was disorientated by Y/N's rage-filled attacks.

Finally, Y/N kneed him in the gut which made him hunch over. Y/N grabbed his face in his hand pushed him over. The two went plummeting to the ground with Kokabiel trapped beneath Y/N's body.

They crashed into the ground, creating a crater in the middle of the school grounds.

When the dust settled, the Devils could see Y/N landing punches on Kokabiel's face. His aura screamed fury and hate. His attacks showed that he was livid.

Y/N pulled back his fist for one final attack. He swung it forward but Kokabiel's hand shot up and he caught Y/N's fist within his hand.

Y/N stared down at his fist in the Fallen Angels hand in shock. Kokabiel faced Y/N, wearing a smile. He wasn't even fazed by Y/N's attacks.

In his hand was glowing yellow energy that Y/N couldn't escape from. Kokabiel slammed his fist into Y/N's gut that sent him flying out of the crater and towards the trees.

Y/N flipped on the ground before he found his feet. He looked up but he was too slow to avoid Kokabiel's sudden backhand punch that sent him to the side. Kokabiel channelled his yellow energy into another punch. Y/N was too slow to get out of the way in time.

The Fallen Angel leader punched the Angel in the chest. Y/N flew back and collided with one of the academy's walls, denting it and leaving an outline of his body inside of it.

He slumped to the ground. His foot and his knee hit the ground. His hand dropped onto his knee and he rested. He spat a small bit of blood to the floor.

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