Chapter 43: Acceptance

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      The Devils and the Angel stood outside a heavily locked door in the ORC. The door was locked with a padlock and a lot of chains. All over the door and walls was a lot of yellow 'caution' tape.

Last night, Y/N had arrived home to Sirzechs and Serafall in his house. Sirzechs was leaving when he arrived but Serafall didn't plan on leaving until he played her a song and gave her another apology.

After it was just he and Rias, she informed him that Sirzechs wanted her to release her other Bishop. Y/N had been surprised by the fact that she had a hidden piece that she didn't tell him about.

Y/N narrowed his eyes at the door. Behind it was Rias' original Bishop, but why would they be locked away in the building?

Rias addressed them. "The seal breaks late at night and he's allowed to wander around this building. However, he refused to do so."

"Do you want to tell me why?" Y/N was wary of the Bishop.

Rias didn't answer. Instead, she revealed the red magic seal that was placed in front of the door. With a bright flash, the seal was shattered and its remains fell to the floor and dispersed.

"I'm opening the door," Rias informed.

She placed her hand on the door handle and pulled open the door. The Devils and Angel stepped into the room.

The room was devoid of any light. The area looked unclean and in the centre of the room, hidden in-between curtains, was a black coffin with a silver crucifix on the front of it.

From inside the coffin, a meek voice could be heard. "Wh-What's going on?"

Akeno crouched by the end of the coffin. "Your seal's been broken," She removed the lid of the rest of the coffin. "Now, why don't we-"

"NO! I wanna stay here!" The Bishop yelled.

Inside the coffin was a slender figure wearing the Kuoh academy girl's uniform. They had their head hidden in their pillow. Suddenly, they turned around to reveal their blonde hair and crying pink eyes. They had pointed ears that peeked through their bob cut.

"I don't want to!" They cried.

Y/N started analysing them. The Bishops weren't known for having speed or strength like the Knights and Rooks did, but that didn't make them useless. However, one look at the person and Y/N could see that they weren't like the other Devils.

Issei's heart was pounding. "Damn, a girl!" He exclaimed.

Kiba started chuckling from behind him. "Issei, this is a boy," He informed.

Issei froze as his world collapsed around him. Slowly, he turned back to the boy in the coffin.

Y/N didn't seem to be bothered by the news. He'd seen a lot in his long life and he tended to ignore people's gender until it became important, like intimate moments. The Angel could feel something was different about the boy in the coffin.

Akeno giggled. "He likes to cross-dress."

Rias knelt down and hugged the Devil from behind. "His name is Gasper Vladi, he's a part of my peerage, my first Bishop. He was born half human and half-"

"Vampire," Y/N finished, catching their attention. He started approaching Gasper and Rias. "I thought I recognised that aura, and 'Vladi' as in the Vampire Lord Vladi."

Gasper started shaking in Rias' arms as Y/N stood above them, but then, Y/N lowered himself down to Gasper's eye level.

With a smile, he held out his hand to shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Gasper-san. My name's Y/N."

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