Chapter 4: Introductions

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      "Hi, I'm Y/N."

Rias cocked a brow. "Not Y/N L/N?" She asked.

"That last name is a fake alias. Angels don't have last names," Y/N informed.

Everyone nodded in understanding, except for Issei, who was quite surprised by this new bit of information.

"Wait! Angel!" He echoed. "You're an Angel!?"

"I am," Y/N answered, simply. His attitude had changed. He wasn't the friendly gentlemen people had come to know him as, here, he was an Angel in a room full of Devils.

"Who are you exactly? I've not heard of an Angel by that name," Rias pressed.

Y/N sighed. "You should have. Even if I'm not in the Bible, Devil's still learn about me."

The Devil's became confused by his statement. He was talking like he was a celebrity or something.

"Could you explain?" Rias wondered what he meant.

"I'll let you figure this out," Y/N replied, acting vaguely. "Tell me what you know about me."

Rias felt confused but decided to play along. "Well, I know you're an Angel, who...doesn't have a halo," Pieces started to come together in Rias' mind. "And your name's...Oh my..."

Y/N continued to stare at Rias who looked at him in shock. The other Devil's in the room had yet to get it and therefore were concerned by Rias' reaction.

"Buchou? What is it?" Akeno inquired, worried by Rias expression.

Rias stared at Y/N, still in surprise. "You're Y/N. The Y/N. The first Angel. The only Angel that can't fall."

Except for Y/N, who already know, and Issei, who didn't get it, everyone gasped at the revelation. Nothing had shocked them all like this quite possible ever before.

"That's not possible," Kiba gaped.

Rias struggled. "You can't be. You look like a...a..."

"A high school student?" Y/N suggested. "That's because in Heaven ageing doesn't exist, not by conventional means. Let me explain; Angel's are crafted, built even, not born. God crafted me like this and so I cannot age like the other Angels."

Issei was now lost for words. He'd been a Devil for like what, a day? And now he'd just met the supposed first Angel to ever be, well, created.

Y/N looked around at the astounded expressions on everyone's faces. He'd never seen such a group of faces like this before. Everyone besides human's know who he is, but they'd never actually seen a picture of him before since none existed, so it made sense they'd react like this, even if it was a little over the top in his opinion.

Rias blinked her wide open eyes and closed her mouth. "That's what you meant. There are classes on Angel's and Archangels. The Angel Y/N is mentioned in classrooms."

"Well, I've never heard of you," Issei stated, but when Y/N looked at him, he held up his hands. "I'm sorry!"

Y/N sighed again. "It's not your fault. I'm not mentioned in the Bible or any other Earth literature. Only Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devil's know about me."

"Oh..." Issei sighed with relief.

Akeno peered at Y/N. "But if you're the first Angel, what are you doing here?"

The question was good enough to grasp everyone's attention. All their eyes fell on Y/N again who was starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable from the questioning.

There was no point in lying to them, but would they really except the truth? He decided that he had no choice once again.

"I...was bored," He truthfully answered.

An Angel In Kuoh | High School DxD X Male Angel ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now