Chapter 42: Devils Heat

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      "Why are you holding condoms?"

Xenovia held up four different coloured condom packets between her fingers. Y/N stared at her blank expression with a concerned one.

He had just walked through the academy gates. After he'd been reunited with his wings the other night, he wasn't in the mood to attend his classes, but he'd dragged himself there anyway.

However, the first thing he was met with when he stepped through those black gates was a blue-haired Devil holding four condoms.

"I wish to use these to practice baby-making," She informed him.

One very shocked schoolboy overheard them and turned around in great surprise. Y/N realised this was not an outdoors conversation.

Y/N turned Xenovia around put a hand on her back, pushing her away from the school gates.

Xenovia glanced back at him. "Did you want to practice now?"

Y/N ignored her question as he pushed her into the forest with ease. Finally, they came to a halt. Y/N stopped pushing Xenovia who turned around to face him.

"Would you like to practice in the forests? This is close to the place were you slapped my rear, is this spot special to you?" She asked.

Y/N sighed at her perseverance to sleep with him. "That is not what this is."

"Then why did you bring me here?" She questioned.

"To get you away from the public eye," He answered before he snatched the condoms out of her hand. "You can't have these on the academy grounds."

"Then you want to practice without them?" She asked, once again.

"That's not what I-never mind," He gave up. "Xenovia, I already gave you my views on this matter."

"As did I. You have the best genes out of the everyone I know. You will impregnate me and I will bear your children," She promised.

Y/N sweatdropped. "When you say it like that it sounds like your threatening me."

"If that's what it takes," She remarked.

"Xenovia. I clearly can't stop you from attempting these things with me but at least refrain from attempting them during class times," He pleaded.

"I cannot make any promises," She replied. "But I will do my best."

"That's all I can ask for," He said.

Y/N then started walking away from Xenovia. She spared him one last look before leaving.

'This is relentless,' He inwardly commented. 'I'm afraid she might get on Rias' bad side if she keeps this up.'

"Oh, Y/N," Someone said.

Y/N looked forward and saw that he was closer to the ORC then he thought. Below the stone steps were Rias, Sona, Akeno, and Tsubaki.

"Oh, hello Miss Gremory, Miss Sitri, Akeno-chan, Tsubaki-san," He greeted them all.

"How are you doing since yesterday?" Rias asked, concerned for his mental state. He had been all over the place yesterday.

"I'm fine now, thank you," He gave her an appreciative nod.

"I heard you met with the White Dragon," Sona stated.

"My nephew, yes," He crossed his arms.

Sona and Tsubaki were greatly surprised while Rias and Akeno remembered that he had already called the White Dragon that, yet they still didn't know why.

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