Chapter 8: An Angel and a Devil Walk into a Church

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      The church was supposed to be a sacred place of God, not a secret place for Fallen Angels and Rogue Exorcists.

Y/N and Issei hid behind two different trees, monitoring the front door for an activity.

"Hey, won't they be expecting us to come this way?" Issei questioned, warily.

"No, they'll be expecting us to come from the back. That's probably why there are no guards," Y/N answered.

"Oh, okay. So we're using their plan against them?" Issei asked.

"Exactly," Y/N answered.

Fallen Angels had a bad habit of thinking themselves as superior to the point that they underestimate everyone else. Y/N planned on using that to his advantage.

"I'm not sensing anyone," Y/N stated. "We should head inside."

"Hey," Issei stopped him. "I'm glad your here. I know I said it, but I really wouldn't want to go in there alone."

Y/N smiled. "Of course. To be honest, neither would I."

The two nodded at each other before they walked up to the front door. Y/N would have preferred to sneak in, but with how much time had been wasted beforehand, he couldn't risk waiting any longer, not with a Human life on the line.

With a blast of his telekinetic powers, Y/N blasted the door right open. The old wooden doors almost flew off their hinges but they were just strong enough to not completely break.

So, an Angel and a Devil walk into a church. One says to the other, "Where do you think they are?"

The other says, "I don't know, but keep your eyes open."

The church itself was more than old, it was almost ancient. The Angel statues had been destroyed, whether that was by time or someone else was unknown. The pews were covered in dust and cobwebs. The giant wooden cross that stood at the front of the room on a structure had corroded and fallen to pieces.

It hurt Y/N to see that a place of worship had become this. He knew less and less people believed in God and Angels while still inadvertently praising Devils by blaming Satan and saying phrases with the word 'Hell' in it, but that didn't mean places like this had to be forgotten about did they?

"This is terrible," Issei interrupted Y/N's musings.

Y/N couldn't help but agree with Issei's statement.

Suddenly, a person coming out of the shadows started clapping. "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The person revealed themselves to be a young man with short white hair that reached his shoulders and eyes as red as blood. He wore the traditional clerical clothing belonging to that of a priest. Around his neck was a metal crucifix pendant.

He waved at Issei. "We meet again. I'm getting sentimental."

"Freed!" Issei exclaimed, recognising him instantly.

"I never thought I'd meet the same Demon twice. You know, I'm super strong, so once I meet one of your kind he gets this treatment. That's why I'm pissed about you, a Demon trash hurting my pride!" Freed stated.

Quickly, he reached into his pockets and retrieved his weapons. In his right hand was an Exorcist's pistol, armed with bullets that could wound Devil's, and in his right was the hilt of a light blade.

The light blade started to reveal itself, seemingly coming out of the hilt much like a lightsabre that only Issei knew about, not so much Y/N who hadn't got around to watching Earth movies yet.

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