Chapter 61: Fuel to the Hell Fire

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      Y/N shot out of bed in a cold sweat. He was gasping for air and his eyes were wide. He just suffered from yet another nightmare. Archangels and Angels weren't really supposed to dream but he'd been having waking nightmares for a month now.

He glanced around and managed to see that he was in the bedroom in his apartment. The dark sky out the window showed that it was night.

He felt a shuffling below him. He was startled by it and looked down. He saw that Akeno was moving her hand around on the bed, searching for his warmth since he'd gone missing. Her other hand was gently holding the necklace he'd bought her.

Y/N saw that Rias was on the other side, hugging her hands into her chest. Both of them were naked which wasn't unusual for them.

He started to calm down. Yesterday, he'd come back to them. They'd been mad at him which he understood. They all came back to the apartment and got used to things again.

Y/N learnt that Rias hadn't been home in a while and Akeno was embarrassed by the fact that she hadn't cleaned up. Y/N was sympathetic. He didn't care what state the apartment was in, he was just glad to be back home with them.

There was shuffling from beneath him. Y/N jumped in surprise. The covers lifted up and revealed the face of Xenovia. The blue-haired Devil rubbed at her tired eyes. She'd awoken due to Y/N's jostling.

"Y/N?" She asked. "What's happening? Why did you wake up?"

Y/N relaxed. He forgot that Xenovia had also joined them that night. She didn't sleep like the other two girls did. For starters, she wore clothes, and second, she was fine not sleeping right next to him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," He apologised.

She caught his downcast expression. Xenovia moved forward and gently put her arms around him. She rested her head on his shoulder.

Y/N was surprised by the hug as it wasn't a very Xenovia thing to do, but he welcomed it all the same.

"Did you have a nightmare?" She worried.

She felt him nod his head next to her. She lowered them down so Y/N was lying back down on his back and Xenovia was laying above him. She kept him in her arms.

"Get some sleep, Y/N," Xenovia wasn't very good at consoling people but it didn't matter.

For some reason, Y/N felt untroubled in her arms. He hugged her back, putting his hands on the small of her back.

The two almost instantly fell back asleep but Y/N was still plagued by his dreadful thoughts.


The next morning, the light shined through the window. Rias' eyelids fluttered at the feeling of the sun.

She slowly cracked open her eyes before she caught a sight that shocked her eyes wide open.

Xenovia was lying down on Y/N. The two had their arms around each other in a comforting hug. She couldn't see Y/N's face because of Xenovia but she could see that the blue-haired Devil was lightly smiling in her sleep.

Rias felt her jealousy rise up. Xenovia had completely stolen Y/N from them. She was hogging the Archangel all to herself.

On the other side of the bed, Akeno began to wake. She felt refreshed for the first time in a long time. She was so used to crying herself to sleep so it was really nice to go to sleep feeling relieved.

She turned her head, expecting to see the man she loved when instead she spotted him in the arms of someone else. She knew that mop of blue hair from anywhere.

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