Chapter 21: The Humanizer Part 1

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      Y/N stepped out of his apartment and locked the door. Rias had left via a magic circle. She had offered to take him with her but he declined. She had to be in early and Y/N really didn't fancy doing that.

As he took his keys out of his apartment door, he turned around and accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ahh!" A girls voice cried out as she fell to the floor.

"Oh, Father. I'm terribly sorr-" He went to apologise but she interrupted him by yelling,



Y/N listened to her words and found the slip of buttered toast up in the air after she had accidentally thrown it. As the toast came crashing down to the ground, Y/N managed to catch it by gently using his thumb and index finger to hold one of the corners.

The girl on the floor was quite surprised by what had just happened. She was already in a rush and this didn't help things. She'd bumped into a stranger and now her breakfast was more than likely ruined.

However, as she peered up, she saw a teenage boy with a determined expression who was holding her toast like it was diseased. He faced her and replaced his serious appearance for a soft one.

Y/N looked down at the girl with a kind appearance. The person he had bumped into was a girl around Issei's age. She had brown hair that covered one of her eyes but he could see that they were blue. He could see that she was wearing some kind of uniform but she wasn't completely dressed yet so he didn't know what school she attended. She also had quite a cute face and a nice-looking body. Her 'assets' weren't as big as Akeno's or Rias' but she was bigger than Asia.

'Wait, what! What the heck am I thinking? Has living with Rias for this short amount of time already turned me into a pervert? Maybe I'm just hanging around Issei too much...or Akeno. Both? Yeah, both,' He inwardly ranted.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern in his voice.

She took a moment before answering. "Yes. I'm fine."

The teenager offered her his hand. She graciously took and thought nothing more of it than a kind show of generosity.

"I'm pretty sure this is yours," He stated as he held out her breakfast.

"It is," She took the toast from with both hands this time. "Thank you."

She had no idea how he managed to grab it that quickly. When she tumbled, she could have sworn that her breakfast was a goner but she was clearly wrong.

"How did you-OH SHOOT!" She was about to ask but then she remembered that she was going to be late. "THANKSFORALLYOURHELPMISTERBYE!"

She quickly sprinted down the corridor and reached the staircase in a matter of seconds. The door opened and closed with a loud 'bang' each time.

Y/N stood outside his door with a dumbfounded expression. That whole encounter had been quite interesting but also kind of amusing as well. He also noted that she had moved very fast for a young girl such as herself.

'Well no use standing around, not if I don't want to be late that is,' He mused to himself.

Y/N walked at a much more reasonable pace compared to the girl who almost lost her breakfast and her manners. He hadn't seen her around here before so she must be new to the apartment complex, possibly the area. Maybe she's a student?


Y/N let out a long sigh. He laced his finger together and lay down on the grassy hill. It was around mid-day and he was taking a break. Living alone with Rias was great but her sexual advances and revealing clothes were sending his libido through the roof.

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