Chapter 14: What We Try To Hide

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      Y/N aimlessly floated around on the clouds. The starry night sky was still a sight to behold for him. To the outside person, it was peacefully quiet, but Y/N had earphones in playing a gentle piano and piano.

'I must have been through about a million girls. I'd love 'em and I'd leave 'em alone.'

Y/N mouthed the lyrics to the song without actually singing it. He waved his feet through the fluffy clouds while carrying himself around with the use of his wings.

'I didn't care how much they cried, no sir. Their tears left me as cold as a stone! But then I fooled around and fell in love! I fooled around and fell in love! Yes, I did. I fooled around and fell... in love! I fooled around and fell in love!'

Y/N slowly started falling through the clouds like it was swallowing him. The grey consumed him and his white wings. He gently dropped through it and disappeared. Just as quick as he had arrived, he had gone.

Y/N dropped out the other end of the cloud and descended towards the Earth. He wasn't flying but falling peacefully. The wind blew around him, but he was just able to tune it out and focus on the song playing down his ears.

The average Human would need protection like layers since it was cold this high up and at this time of night, but Y/N wasn't Human. His natural Angelic abilities protected him by more than enough.

'But then I fooled around and fell in love! I fooled around and fell in love! Since I met you baby. I fooled around and fell... in love! I fooled around and fell in love!'

As the song's guitar solo came up, Y/N spread his wings and flew himself back down to Earth or he would be falling for longer than he'd want. He preferred being in control when it came to flying.

Y/N approached the ground quickly and had to slow himself down or else he'd crash into it. He'd almost made that mistake once years ago, he wasn't keen to let it happen again.

He slowed down just above the manor, but when he looked closely, he saw something else to the side of the large building.

There was a large gazebo. It wasn't as large as the manor but it was more than big enough for a gazebo. Y/N also saw that there was someone else there too.

He probably wasn't going to fall asleep for a while anyway so there was no harm in seeing who else was up this late.

He saw that the person was leaning up against one of the twelve pillars with a book in their hands. Even from a distance, that red hair was a dead give away.

"Miss Gremory?"


Rias was ignoring the world around her as all she wanted to think about was the book before her. She had found it here in the manor and it had immediatly caught her eye.

Even though she planned on blocking out every distraction she heard, the sound of flapping was unexpected enough to make her look around. Flying in from the other side of the gazebo was Y/N with his two bright wings behind him.

She lowered her book and looked up at him. He had been a surprise. She had assumed everyone else had gone to sleep, granted she had ordered them to but still...

"Y/N?" She said.

Y/N removed his earphones and put them back in his pocket where his iPod was located.

"Miss Gremory," He greeted. "Beautiful night don't you think?"

Y/N approached Rias with his wings still out. They weren't spread but were now closed up and he showed no signs of putting them away.

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